☆24. My lost Love☆

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Three days have already passed since the deadliest incident took place. It was really heartbreaking for eveyone, most importantly Jungkook had made his men to search around the every nook and corner where he could find the boys but there wasn't even a single trace of thier survival, even thier bodies were missing. And according to police this event was one of the biggest unsolved mysterical case.

Jungkook by now was lost, he was just a body without a soul. Jungkook never imagined this to happen he was blaming himself for sending away his Jimin from himself. He wasn't thinking practically it wasn't his fault but he was not willing to accept that.
He was neither eating nor drinking just was being a lifeless corpse. Yoongi couldn't hold back anymore he can't see Jungkook being this broken and the news of Jimin's death, even made yoongi to regret for not loving his child, for not approaching him, for not even speaking with his own son. He realised that he was the most pathetic excuse of a man to hate his own child without his mistake, it wasn't Jimin's fault that he was born but yoongi blamed him throughout this years and now he realized it when Jimin was actually gone forever from their life.

"Jungkook..ah please don't be like this, look at you.. what have you made yourself... you know Jimin would never like it seeing you in this condition right ? please Jungkook don't do this to yourself" yoongi says crying heavily while pulling Jungkook in his chest to comfort him.

"Hyung.... I can't see him again, he's gone forever and I couldn't even hug him for the last time atleast, Hyung Jimin was my everything and how can I live without him tell me ? my heart can't take this" Jungkook says in his broken voice losing his spirit to do anything further.

"you know what Jungkook I'm the worst father ever who didn't even let his own son to knew about his real parents, it was all because of you that Jimin got the love and care he deserved, I'm feeling pathetic of myself but you need to live for him kook. Please don't be like this atleast for your Jimin" Yoongi says while rubbing circles behind Jungkooks back to comfort him more.

"Hyung you don't know what actually I feel.... all these years I hid my feelings. It may sound absurd and totally insane but I was in love with my Jimin. I had developed romantic feelings for my baby and now it's hurting me even more to lose him Hyung" Jungkook confessed out of nowhere and yoongi was shocked like a lost kitten.

"kook what are you even saying ? are you sure that you're in your senses ? and how did this happen ? I need a huge explaination for this, please will you try to explain me eveything clearly and in detail Jk I'm confused" yoongi asked almost getting panicked hearing Jungkook.

"Hyung you know that before marrying you as my husband I had never dated anyone in my life, I didn't knew what love was but then my Jimin came in my life, he made my dull life colorful with his giggles and with his precious love towards me. Things actually changed when he turned 10 or 11 I don't remember exactly, Jimin really adored me too much. He was so affectionate towards me, doing little things for me without knowing Jimin being a child was giving me that comfort and that affection which a partner would give us" Jungkook stopped and took a long breath before continuing again.

"ofcourse for him it was just loving his father but for me it was a crave which I wanted my partner to do for me, I started seeing Jimin in a different way more like.... I took his love in a romantic way and he was just so cute and adorable to resist. Then I realized what I was feeling towards him was absolutely wrong, I can't have feelings for my own baby I was his Appa after all. Hyung that's when to distract myself I started dating Chaeyoung in order to avoid looking at Jimin in that way. I intentionally started to avoid myself from Jimin to prevent myself from doing this forbidden sin. So these past few years I ignored him completely for both of us, Jimin would never see me as his lover Hyung. Heck he would hate me after knowing that his Appa thought like that about him" Jungkook said everything and couldn't hold back his tears by now when he lost his baby and his first love at the same time.

"Jungkook ah..... I don't know what to say..." yoongi was saying but Jungkook breaks down more it was his first time in his life being that vulnerable.

"Hyung that's why ignored him it was hard for me but I did it. Hyung... Jimin felt that I no longer loved him he thought I was hating him Hyung and I didn't even got the chance to feel his love nor I was able to love him. I know it was wrong of me but my heart fell for him, for his words, his pure heart, his care he had for me, his voice, his cute adorable looks everything about him made me fall hard for him it wasn't my fault my heart was just craving for Jimin but I tried to avoid it. Not knowing I would lose him forever for doing that Hyung he was right.... Jimin was right even I hate myself right now" Jungkook said feeling broken while yoongi didn't knew how to react after this, basically his husband was in love with his son romantically. But yoongi was experienced and he loved his baby brother very much so his focus was only on Jungkook right now. Yoongi fidnt cares what was right or what was wrong he was already regretting about Jimin and now seeing Jungkook like that, he was only trying to comfort Jungkook.

"Jungkook.. ah I get it now, please don't blame yourself it wasn't your fault. If you really loved Jimin then don't be like this and live your life for him, do what he asked you and try to move on. you can't be like this... Jimin would be really upset seeing you in this condition, for him be like how you were before be Jimins inspiration Jungkook and cherish the memories you have of him. please remember you can take things slow and I'm here with you, I think you know what I'm trying to say kook" Yoongi asks looking at Jungkooks glistened doe eyes and pulls Jungkook's head on his lap trying to make him sleep.

End of Chapter

a/n : So how was the biggest twist jk was already in love even before Jm realised his feelings.

That's the reason why he was ignoring jm yet you all were lashing out on him jk is really angry with all of you 😂

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