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Lydia's POV
The days turned into weeks, I could only tell a handful of people what I am and where I was going. Naturally Teddy already knew and I told my dorm mates.

"Omg how exciting!" Jade told me.
"What about the band?" Milly asked but I reassured her that I'll be back soon and that I was seeing everyone for Christmas.
"Ohh we are going to miss your 14th birthday!" Maisie moaned. But Dom took it worse.
On the 30th of October she pulled me aside before we entered our transfiguration lesson.

"I'm gonna miss you " she pulled me into a massive bear hug.

"Lights.... darkness" she pulled away laughing.

"Sorry but how dare you leave me." She said hitting my arm lightly as we entered the classroom.

"Hey just make sure Teddy doesn't get snatched up while I'm away alright." I said halfway through the lesson and she held in a snigger.

"I think he's only got one girl on his mind miss Weasley."

"Who?" I asked and she just laughed and turned towards her work as I was left confused.

The rest of the day pasted me over and before I knew it, I was sitting down in the great hall with my dorm mates laughing over how Jades first kiss went with Alfie, the muggle born.
"It was soft and gentle."
"No passion? No fireworks?" Milly and Maisie giggled.
When I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned to see Teddy Lupin holding a box of chocolate and my favourite flowers, Alstroemeria.

"Teddy you shouldn't of, really!" I exclaimed standing and hugging him.

"Well you know, something to brighten your days while your away and it our favourite chocolate." He smiled waving the box making me smile even wider. He offered me his hand that had the flowers in and lead me up to the 7th floor, the room of requirement. He closed his eyes as a door appeared, he pushed the door open, showing a beautiful room covered in blankets and pillow and a tv with Disney movies.

"Teddy it's beautiful!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He hugged me back with the same amount of passion.

We made a fort and watched my favourite Disney movie, the Lion King!!! Sharing the box of chocolates. We cuddled under the blankets and once he thought that I was asleep, he kissed my forehead and also fell asleep.

That night.
My dream.

"Hello my love." A woman voice said stepping out of the smoke. "My name is Susan" she smiled. It's my mentor.
"He's the one you know." Susan said smiling at me. "It's how you've discovered your powers at such a young age" 
"What do you mean, he's the one?" I asked and she smiled.
"He's your true love my darling. Keep him close, I'll teach you everything you need to know." She whispered.
She stepped away from the smoke and it revealed my favourite mirror from a previous dream.

"This mirror shows witches like us, the future."

"The future!" I exclaimed, "so you're telling me, that dream I had at the beginning of term is the future?!"

She smiled and nodded. I ran my fingers through the ends of my hair. "I will teach you soon, now let us watch as your future unfold."

I stepped in front of the mirror. My hair was still at my bum. I was in the same clothes, it was obviously the next morning. The morning I was leaving.
I was in his arms. Hugging him.

"You'll write?" I asked him.
"Every day if you want me too." He whispered back.
I nodded into his chest.
"Lydia." He whispered.
"I think you're pretty amazing."
I laughed, "you're pretty amazing too."

I turned back towards Susan as if I couldn't bear the chemistry between myself and Teddy any longer.

"Now we shall see a scene from a little further into the future." Susan said pointing towards the mirror and again I watched with excitement building in my stomach.

"See you later Teddy... I love you" my hair was now mid back and it was Christmas.

"Woah" Dom said quietly.

"Did you actually say that?" Teddy asked.

"Yeah... I guess I did." I said blushing.

"Well" he paused, "I love you too."

He engolfted me into a hug and our lips brushed one another's. A blinding purple light surrounded Teddy and I.

"What is this?" I said gesturing towards the purple light that surround the couple in the mirror.

"Your ora connecting." Susan said.

I woke up sitting bolt right up. Teddy stirred and sat right up next to me and held me close.

"Bad dream?" He whispered into my ear as he just held me.

"No. I didn't. It was just so real I was scared." I said and he just nodded knowing what I meant, he laid me back down, wrapping his arms around my body and held me close to his chest. The familiar smell of chocolate, quidditch pitch and something flowery fill my senses and took complete control over my body.

Teddy's dream
Just after the pair went back to sleep.

I was tossed into an unfamiliar room. I stared down at myself, I was in a tux. A alstroemeria's flower was in my top pocket. I stared at myself in a mirror that had now appeared. I looked no older then 20. God I look good... My best mate appeared behind me, Matt.
"You ready mate?" He asked.
In my own head I asked for what but the man in the mirror nodded.
"I've waited my whole life for this moment."

The scene unraveled itself, I was now standing at an alter. Matt stood next to me, Harry was beaming up at me. We were in a garden but not any garden... this was The Burrows garden.

Then I saw the view of complete bliss. Her hair shone, her face was blinded by the sun light but made my stomach flutter.

I woke up and stared down at the beautiful girl in my arms and prayed to god that, in my dream, it was her.

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