the rebrith

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this is a story by Wolfsson and narutoxsasuke124






These were the sounds the being in the room heard when he first opened his eyes. He snapped upright and turned slowly, searching for any kind of threat.

He only remembered the pain of the betrayals he had gone through, something he swore never to go through again if he could help it.

Especially since everybody had helped in torturing him one last time before he left Camp Half-Blood.

Including the one he loved.


He was walking through camp, ignoring the stares that he had been getting ever since his brother had arrived, who the gods were calling the greatest hero alive, with the exceptions of Artemis, Apollo, Hades, and Hestia, all of whom looked at him, laughed, and even Hestia had threatened to burn his balls off if he came near her…

Slowly too.

The day Percy wants to die, is the day he goes to Hestia for it.

She’s a little more merciful than her niece, Artemis.

Suddenly a shout went up from behind him. He spun around, only to get slapped across the face, sending him staggering. He looked up to see Annabeth drawing her hand back for a second strike. He felt a familiar tug in his gut and stopped her hand using the water in her blood. He didn’t glare, just gave her a sad look that said how much she had hurt him. He turned and walked away.

Or at least he would have, if his brother, Daniel, had appeared in front of him and stopped him. He smirked evilly and said, “What, not even going to ask why she slapped you?”

Percy just looked at him, emotionless. “No. Because I already know why. As do you,” was all he said before walking towards the sword arena. When he got there, no one would so much as look at him without glaring or sneering. He shook his head and walked over to the training dummies and drew Riptide.

Then he was slicing and hacking away at the dummy, imagining it as Daniel. Riptide didn’t stop moving, even when the dummy was close to just falling apart. When he was finally finished, the whole camp had arrived to watch the top swordfighter at camp flat out devastate an armies-worth of training dummies. He turned to the crowd and bowed. Then he stood up and walked away, avoiding his dad’s cabin, seeing as how he had disowned him about a week after Daniel had arrived,, saying that Daniel, “was the true hero and Percy had just been a tool to use to save Olympus.”

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