I'm the stupid girl in those cheesy horror films

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I shot up into a sitting position straining my ears to gather any kind of sound the house eerily quiet, as opposed to the the loud bang that I heard from the kitchen, like something out of a horror film. My heart dropped and my hands trembled as soon as I heard nothing.

'That's a good sign'. I mentally reassured myself.

"Hey what's wrong?" My eyes snapped down to my laptop and to the hazel eyes staring back at me.

"Nothing the pizza guy is here." I lied.

There's a ghost in my house.

Those words sounded so silly even in my head. Peter- my boyfriend- would surely toss me in the looney bin if I ever spoke the words out loud.

Peter and I have been dating for four years ever since he transferred to my school senior year. My dad had absolutely forbidden me to have any other relationships after my messy breakup of my sophomore year, that is until he realized the Vinterwit's were from a long line of important doctors.

"Romina you know that stuff is very fattening. Why don't you find a nice Thai place instead?" Peter was always looking after my health and I always found it sweet how he cared for my health but sometimes he resembled my mother.

"I just wanted to grab something quick. Hey I'll call you later okay?" I didn't wait for his reply before logging off and I instantly felt a little guilty.

Reaching over to grab my phone off my nightstand I unlocked it and dialed my mom's phone number.

Pick up. Pick up. Please pick up.

"Your call has been automated to a-"

"Why do you have a phone if you don't answer it?!" I whisper shouted into the white device before pressing the 'end' button rather harshly. I somehow knew it wasn't either of my parents because they weren't coming to visit until next week.

I stared nervously towards my closed bedroom door deciding if I should head down and see what was going on or stay here and be left alone with my imagination as my only companion.

I decided the latter would probably bring me to a heart attack so I grabbed my old softball bat and inched my way towards the door.

Once I reached it I took a long shaky breath and twisted the knob slowly trying to ease my nerves a bit. Great I'm the stupid girl in those cheesy horror films that end up dead and in a forest somewhere probably mutilated so the police wouldn't identify me so easily.

I can practically hear the crowd screaming at me to not open it. I shook my head trying to rid of my paranoia and twisted the knob the rest of the way. Once the door opened the light from my room illuminated a small portion of the large hallway.

I twisted my head out from my door frame, peeking out to see if anything was out of place. Nothing was. I quickly pulled the bat closer to me before tip toeing to have a look over the banister and into the living room, the lights were all off the only light provided was that of the quickly hiding sun.

My heart pounded in my ears and tears threatened to fall but I held them in, crying will only worsen the situation.

I took a few tentative steps in the directions of the stairs the bat still firmly planted in my hands. My left foot was the first to reach the edge of the staircase and I looked over the banister once more. I gulped down my fear and slowly descended down the suddenly never ending staircase.

Once I reached the main floor I leaned forward looking to my left past the dining room, and to where the kitchen was located, only to see the light on. I moved forward raising the bat away from my body and into a swinging position. I quickly forced myself to move forward until I was right by the kitchen door.

This is it.

I pushed the door gently making sure to avoid it from creaking. My eyes scanned everything from the dark mahogany cabinets to the cherry wood tiles on the floor but there wasn't a sign of any-

A gasp escaped from my mouth as the metal bat slipped from my fingers plummeting to the floor making an awful noise in the quiet loft.

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