Chapter 16

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I had zero ideas for this chapter, my only and rather unhelpful thought being 'Yeontan', so sorry if it is somewhat bit sub par. It is as if my brain went away on holidays.


I was walking away from my bedroom, having showered and changed into a set of clothes that were given to me by Hoseok. Just like the clothes I had slept in, these were also big on me and I felt like a lamb wrapped in blankets to protect itself from harm.

I noticed how Seokjin's door was open and took a detour, heading over to peak my head in side, "Seokjin? Are you in here".

He popped out from around a corner, "yes! Eunha," he smiled seeing me glance in.

His room was big, about the size of the one I had been given, yet the layout was vastly different. From what I could see he had a king sized bed, the sheets a beautiful deep blue with vast amounts and variations of flowers dancing across the space. They painted the picture of a midnight lake one blooming with the blessings of Persephone. Beside each pillow were nightstands, simple white to contrast the detail between them. The wall behind the bed was coated in a yellow-orange, almost gold; further presenting the scene as the centerpiece of the room whilst also acting as a headboard.

The only other things visable from this angle were a shelf, cabinet, a guitar (this really peeked my intrest), and Seokjin himself who appeared from a corner that hid the remainder of his room; although it mustn't be too much bigger as his wall backs the bathroom.

"Did you need something," he asked, smile still stuck hard to his features.

"Not really, I just saw that your door was open".

His smile morphed in a circle, his mouth open in an expression of 'o'. Then he called out, "wait there" and ducked away.

It wasn't much of a wait, the man soon reappearing but this time holding a small, pillow sized, ball of white fluff that was cloud like in appearance. He walked towards me with it in his hands, stretching his arms out as he said, "for you".

I reached out, meeting the softness and realising that it did not only look to be a cloud, but it truly was.

As I turned him round Seokjin spoke, "his name is RJ, I want you to have him," and then you see his cute little face and scarf hidden amongst the snow's austere.

"Thank you so much," sincerity and gratitude formed my words, "he is beautiful. An alpaca, yes?"

"Yeah," he scratched his head while he spoke, a blush of a nervous smile upon his handsome face, making my heart pound in my chest. "People say that I reminded them of an alpaca, and I love the animals, so RJ was created. This guy is like my son. I wanted to give him to you".

"Oh, thank you so much, but I can't take your son from you," I gigled the end part, truly not wishing to seperate the plushy from his owner.

"No, no. It is all right, I want you to have him," he insisted, gesturing with his hands and finishing with a proud smile, "plus, I have more".

"If that is the case," I conceded. "Then I will gladly accept. Don't worry, RJ will have a great life with me," my tone rasing with emphasis and joy, "truly, thank you. Now I will have a part of you". Then I joked once more, "if only he were travel sized, then I would always have you with me," and Seokjin laughs with me while also scheming.

He leads me out the room after offering me breakfast, allowing me to place RJ on my bed before taking me to the table where the other still sat. Though their plates had long since been cleared away, the men also having changed clothes while I showered, they were waiting for me to join them, patiently sipping on their tea and coffee to pass the time.

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