The Winter Fairy

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A story that my little sister made. It was supposed to be fantasy like. But since I'm awesome, I made alterations.

*whispers* Sorry, Sis.

Anyways, I hope that it satisfies you guys.


Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful fairy named Snowy. She is an adventurous and naïve fairy. One day while walking in the woods. Beneathed the white covered ground, she uncovered a flower called Znowbell. It was no ordinary flower, for it has the power to give anyone that beholds it, immense ice powers.

Snowy's fairy powers grew stronger as she acquired magical ice powers. But what she did not realize is that her powers cannot be restrained nor returned. As time flew by, she was starting to become maddened by the whispers.

The whispers that keeps on demanding and urging her to ...

Cover the land with Ice.

Pelt them with Snow.

Jab an icicle in their eyes.

Wouldn't that be a lovely show?

Bringforth everlasting hail to those brutish mortals.

Let their tongues freeze until it fall out

And something else that would be oh, so fatal

End their miserable lives with an icy blast to their black hearts.

One day, the whispers started to dissipate. Meeting a mortal named Skyler really had an effect on her. Snowy was undeniably attracted to him, making her willingly come out of her hiding place after a long, long time, and introduce herself to him. After talking with each other for about an hour, Snowy thought that she was already so in love with him.

But she was worried that Skyler might find out that she wasn't human and she was afraid that she might hurt him. So she went to a cave to propose a deal with a sly witch.

She gave up her fairy and ice powers in hopes that Skyler will learn to reciprocate her love. Alas, Skyler cruelly declined her love, saying that he was already in love with another mortal whose name is Summer.

Crazed and punctured by the supposedly breaking of her heart, she locked herself in a coffin and buried herself 6 feet under the ground.

She closed her eyes.

Days, weeks, months passed yet sweet o'le Snowy stayed alone underground.

Tired, so tired of living.
Shattered, shattered beyond repair.
And hungry, so hungry for blood.

Along with her oxygenless hiding place under the ground, the aftereffects of their bargain started to appear as well.

Her physical appearance started to change.
Her flowing, white hair started to turn black, short, wild, and choppy.
Her enchanting icy blue eyes turned devishly black, her pupils consumed by this unknown force.
Her once alluring purplish lips became the color of blood.
Her pearly white teeth changed into vicious fangs.
Her candle-liked fingers mutated into long, pointy claws.
Her once perfect figure became contorted.
And her paper white skin turned ashy grey, dilapidated.

Once such a beautiful daydream, now a living nightmare.

Anger. Vengeance. Blood. So hungry for blood.

Those words kept ringing in her head as she clawed out of her coffin.

She limped to a nearby lake, still partly encased in ice. She touched the frozen river and smiled as it started to harden even more. She squinted her eyes at the blurry image before her. She rubbed her finger against the ice, her black irises enlargening as something began to dawn on her. She smashed the ice, sobbing, wailing and laughing maniacally as she finally saw her new self.

The whispers came back, one by one. All whispering the same thought, and the same word.


She went to the house of her so-called beloved. She smiled wickedly as she heard Summer screaming. "Please don't kill me, I'm too young to die! I'll do anything!" Summer sobbed as she begged her for her life.

Snowy gripped Summer's arm with her claws as she looked into the shaky eyes of Summer. She smiled and waved one of her hands, scaring her even further. Summer looked all around her, trying to escape this horror. She opened her mouth as wide as she can to scream but Snowy swiftly chomped her head off before she could.

She dug her hands into Summer's stomach area, ripped her arteries and intestines, and placed it on her irregular shoulders, using it as a necklace. She also took Summer's heart and pinned it above her dead one, just for good measure.

Blood dripped from her white dress and on to the floor boards as she went upstairs to Skyler's room.

The smell of rotten flesh enveloped the room as she stepped in it. She beamed at him, her fangs open for display. "Skyler!"

As Skyler faced her, his eyes bugged open with shock.

Afraid for his life, he ran downstairs to escape this monster.

"Oh, Skyler. I know you're here. I have a present for you. Come out, come out. Wherever you are!" Snowy eerily gibed.

Hiding in the bathroom, Skyler cowered behind the curtains of his bathtub, convulsing with fear.

Snowy punched the door of the bathroom, sniffing the air for any sign of her loved one.

"There you are!" Snowy laugh evilly as she moved the curtain away from him.

"What happened to you?" Skyler asked, horrified, his eyes bulging out as he gripping the edge if the bathtub.

"You did. I loved you yet you didn't love me." She told him childishly while clutching her bloody necklace.

Skyler grabbed the nearest thing next to him, which was a bottle of Summer's favorite shampoo, and hurled it at her.

Snowy caught it in midair.

She sniffed the bottle and grinned at him. "She smells so nice, doesn't she?" She then bended her head until a sickening crack reverberated in the bathroom. "Aww, so you want to play catch then, Sky?" She asked him with a mischievous glint in her completely black eyes as she edged closer to him.

Snowy grabbed something behind her. "Now, I have a present for you. Here, catch!" Snowy winked at him as she tossed Summer's decapitated head to him.

"Isn't Summer so pretty?" Snowy asked him, batting her eyelashes.

That was the last thing Skyler saw before her face turned gruesome and he blacked out.

Snowy went inside her coffin once more after taking Skyler's heartless body.

She kissed his forehead. "Now, my Skyler. No more Summer. No more rejections. You'll be mine and I'll be yours till the end of time. Only you and I, Skyler and Snowy. We'll be together forever and ever and ever and ever..."

Those were the last words she uttered before slamming the top of her coffin, encasing them for eternity.


I hope that you guys likes it! :)

Obviously, the first parts were made by my little sis.

So... yeah.

Anyways, please comment and press that vote button! :)

PS. I didn't ruin winter fairies for anyone, didn't I?

With Lots of Love and Oreos,

~ GiannexD

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