chapter 1

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[Helloo~ So, over the holidays, @coughcoughexcuseme and I decided to do a collab for this story idea we came up with!! It was a lot of maniacal laughing and a lot of arguing and a lot of screaming plot points at each other at random moments but we finally made it!!

Hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it!! 💙💕]

3rd Person's POV:

Where the cracked blue plaster of the crumbling wall gave way to the creaking zinc of the entrance gate, tendrils of sweet pea had invaded the rusty hinges. The pink blossoms hung right below the metal clasp where a battered ‘V’ locked the two bars firmly into place.

So this was the house...

After a long struggle with the dented lock, New let himself in and stepped into the garden leading up to the sprawling bungalow. When the neighbors had hissed “haunted house!!”, this...was not what he had expected.

Buried in a lonely corner of Bangkok, the bungalow was everything New could have wished for in a house. Sunlit rooms, done up in warm swathes of color, the little trinkets that the owners had collected on their travels scattered throughout, a richly stocked library, open verandahs, and the garden brimming with spring blooms and a gnarled old tangerine tree where the edges of the fence met.

The more New explored the house, the more he grew puzzled as to why anyone would rent this beautiful bungalow out at such a ridiculously low price. He was just out of high school, and had missed out on admission in his university of choice by just a few ranks. So he’d decided to take this year off to study and give the admission test another go. 

Only problem was- his family was in Hat Yai and his house was chock full of crazy relatives and bratty younger cousins. After much struggle, he finally convinced his parents to let him rent a place in Bangkok so that he could focus better on his work.

And almost out of thin air, a recommendation for this house had dropped into his lap, quite literally, in the form of Gun Atthaphan with his cheery expletives and overflowing confidence. An amazing house, a sweet elderly couple who had gone to the States to see their daughter and wanted to rent the place out, and at a laughably low amount at that...what was not to like??

Except, when he was moving his stuff in from Krist’s van, quite a few of his neighbors had gathered to help him, and what they’d said couldn’t really be called encouraging…

”Stay away from this place!!” one middle aged lady had said. 

“This isn’t a good place for a young boy to live alone!” another had insisted. 

New had almost rolled his eyes...what was he? Five?

“You know, they say this place is haunted.” the lady’s brother whispered. 

“The grandson of the couple who lived here died in this house, you know! And...and there are such strange noises at night, it just turns my blood to water!!”

“He was about your age too!!” The first lady added helpfully.

“Such a young, bright little thing. Had such a lovely smile and a kind word for everyone. His grandparents had raised him so well. If only…”

She dissolved into sniffles, and New stood there awkwardly, heavy bags in each hand, and waited for them to finish unloading his other stuff.


“Hey New, I...think you should look up some other options. I mean, the house is great and all but we--” Krist glanced at New timidly.

“Oh, not you too Kit! You believe in this nonsense? Just because some nosy neighbors are trying to scare me with these stupid ghost stories, doesn’t mean I’ll leave such an amazing house, and at a decent rate, too!” New frowned.

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