Nothing really happened after me and kairi went home and he just snuck back in to ales rooms and I came back to my room
- I felt someone jump on top of me , " ow who ever tf this is you are a bitch " I said groaning and trying to get out " ugh you hoe it's me Leslie dumbass " she said as she got off of me and opened my window , as you can tell I'm not a morning person , " get ready we're going out today " she said , she left my room and I checked my phone
1 new iMessage from kairi 🧸💕 2 new iMessages from Troy 🌈🛹
I opened kais first
Kairi 🧸💕 Gm dani Dani 🥺💕 Gm kai
Troy 🌈🛹 | hey are we still hanging out today ? | Dani ?
Dani 😉💕 | mhm what time
Troy | mmmmm.. how about I pick you up at 2
Dani | okie bye Read 9:26 End of messages~ Damn he really left me on read oh well, I got out of bed and hopped in the shower ,
I got out and changed
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Skip to the skate park with Troy -
"Hey wanna take insta pics " he said while we were holding hands and skating , " sure " I said with a smile
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@troy.z : skating with this cutie @dani_ella❤️ Comments disabled....