chpt 1 ~ Letters

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[Ellas POV in her bedroom at the Manor]

August 29 1993 (Autumn of POA)

I lay in my room, thinking of the possibilities that could occur this year, due to the recent escape of my second cousin, Sirius Black. Ive never met the guy, but something makes me worry for his safety. My thoughts were rudely interrupted by a knock at my door.

Draco barged in my room, sweating and panting.

"What the fu-"

"Be quiet! Pansy is here and she wont stop chasing me." He interrupted and booked it under my bed. I shot up from my seated position and crawled to the end of the bed, poking my head underneath it.

"First of all, dont ever interrupt me again. And second of all, why the fuck is Pansy here?" I asked. "You tell me. She just showed up in my roo-"

The door swung open again, revealing Pansy Parkinson. I smacked Draco in the face before bringing my head up from under the bed and rested my chin onto the palm of my hand.

"Hey Ella, have you seen Draco?" She asked, scanning her eyes around my room. "Not that I have seen, maybe check the bathroom on the first floor, we had ice cream for desert last night and Dracos lactose intolerant." I smirked. Pansys eyes widened.

"Oh erm- I think ill just- leave if he isnt uhm, here." She stuttered. "You do that." I smiled sarcastically. She shuffled out of the room, and I felt a kick from under the bed.

"Ella what the hell what that?!" Draco whined, still remaining underneath my bed. I rolled my eyes before popping my head back under to face him.

"What do you mean 'what the hell was that?!" I just saved your life." I smiled. He was about to smack my face when I quickly shot back up and began sprinting out of my room.

Unfortunately I was wearing my favorite pair of fluffy socks, meaning everytime I passed a corner I slipped and slid all over the place. As I was running down the halls, hoping to reach the grande stair case in time, I passed Narcissa.

"Oh godric, what did you do now." She groaned, rolling her eyes as she shook her head.

"I just saved your sons life!" I yelled as I slid passed her. "No- She just embarrassed me in front of Pansy!" Draco shouted, not far behind.

I continued sprinting down the corridors, and I finally reached the grand staircase. I quickly glanced behind me to see Draco about 30 feet away. I looked back at the staircase and swung my legs around the railing, and gripping the rail with my hands, gliding down.

Once I reached the bottom, which felt like forever, Draco was already half way down the stairs. He was running down them, skipping every other step. I giggled before returning to the chase.

I was so close to the kitchen before someone grabbed my shirt by the Collor, pulling my backwards. I started coughing slightly at the sudden pressure at my neck before turning around to see Lucious, with my shirt in one hand, and Dracos in his other.

"May I ask why my son and my niece are running around my house?" He asked in a cold tone. "Draco was the one chasing me." I mumbled, crossing my arms. Lucious released his grip from our clothing.

"Both of you, up to your rooms." He commanded. Draco quickly nodded and shuffled upstairs. Me quickly following behind.

"This is all your fault." He mumbled. "You were the one chasing me!" I said in defense. "I only chased you because you were running away from me!" He replied, just as defensive. "Well I wouldnt have been running away if you didnt try to hit me!"I snapped. He just scoffed. "I hope you choke yourself to sleep." He sneered.

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