003 - Friends and Fidgets

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After the whole Hawks incident, it had been about three weeks. I hadn't started teaching yet, I was supposed to start the beginning of January since it's December currently. I went to check my mailbox, and found a package I had been waiting for. I immediately skateboard to Heights Alliance, it's too cold for me to use my wings. The cold affect me like it does Tsuyu, it's not a good mix hence why all my leather jackets have built in heaters. I enter the building looking for Kaminari, I had never been in here and it was set up differently than the teachers apartments. Suddenly I flinch, feeling someone touch my shoulder, I turn and see Shoji. "Miss Tantula, what are you doing here?" He asks me with a slight head tilt, "Oh! I'm looking for Kaminari, I have something I ordered for him!" I say with a smile. "I can go get him for you, or I could show you his room?" he offers and I nod as I follow him into the elevator. We get to the third floor and step out heading to the girls side where I can hear music blaring and someone singing. Shoji knocks loudly on the door to one of the rooms, it opens to reveal  Momo, behind her is Jiro and the BakuSquad. "Kaminari you have a delivery," Shoji says, then he walks off leaving me standing there. "OH! They're here?! Cool! I wanna see! Gimme! Gimme!" Kaminari says shooting up from his seat on the floor with grabby hands. I laugh and hand him that packages, Jiro invites me in to sit so I do so. Kaminari has Kirishima spread the package open with his shark teeth and I laugh, he is so much like me a few years ago. He pulls out the pikachu one and squeals like a little girl. The pokeball one is a bit bigger than the pikachu which he finds absolutely adorable. Everyone else is so confused so I explain to them, "You all know that he has ADHD right? He asked me what good stims or fidgets were. Stims is short for stimulation, to help him focus. A stim could be listening to music or tapping you're fingers. There are also fidgets, like those fuzzy keychain squishy balls he has now. Speaking of Kaminari can I have mine back? The one I let you borrow," he nods and tosses it to me from his pocket. "Thanks dude! Now if you guys don't mind I'm gonna go. I do have a special announcement but that's for class, byeeeee!" I say and jump up and sprint out before they can ask me anything about it. Once I'm outside I toss my skateboard on the ground and let it roll, running beside it, then hop on and ride back to my apartment. Argentum and Aurum sit there whining when I step inside, I know that whine all to well. That whine means it's time to go buy new toys, I can see their previous toys have finally given way and are in shreds on the floor. I clean up the old toys and grab my wallet and then I head out, with roller blades this time, I go to the nearest pet supply shop. Once I'm there I go straight to the big dog toys, I pick out some rope toys and a giant squeaky dinosaur for each. I pay and head back to UA when I'm tackled to the ground in a bone crushing hug, right outside UA and close enough for Hound Dog to see it happen on his rounds, immediately I recognized the seasalty perfume. Hound Dog runs up to us growling, he peels the person off of me and holds them in the air by their shirt. "Grrr who're you? Hmm grrr?"he snarls. "Hey! Ryo it's ok! This is my best friend Collins from back home! Although I don't know why she's here, but you can put her down, she's not a threat!" I assure him multiple times before he puts her down. "And don't call me Ryo, around civilians it's Hound Dog, you should know that by now Seillean," he gives me a slight growl and nod before going to continue his rounds. "So who's he? Your boyyyfriennddd???" Collins asks and I smack her upside the back of her head. "No, he's my coworker. He's the lifestyle guidance counselor here, and kinda the security guard. Because of his quirk, dog, he has a heightened sense of smell so he can smell if someone is on campus that shouldn't be. But I don't think he smelled you I'm pretty sure he saw you tackle me," I say flatly glaring at her, "Speaking of, why are you here? I didn't know you were coming!" My glare fades almost instantly as I crush her in a hug. "I hand delivered your package! It's been a while since you ordered from the shop, why pikachu and a pokeball?" "Oh they aren't for me they're for my student. He has ADHD too and needed a fidget so he would stop playing with another students tail," I say and I invite her to come to my apartment, which she accepts almost immediately, wanting to see my dogs. I laugh as she says that and we head to my apartment. Collins had a mutation quirk similar to Fourth-Kind's she has extra arms that can also move around super fast. I call it Hecatonchires after the hundred handed ones from Greek mythology, although she doesn't have one hundred arms. Thats not actually what it's called but I can never remember what she says it's called. That's why she can take on so many orders at once but she'll only do two or three at a time so she can focus on the design. We arrive at my apartment to find Hizashi banging on the door, " 'Zashi what the hell are you doing? Clearly I wasn't home!" I say walking up be hind him and he jumps. "Heh sorry, but you weren't answering my texts! And I was bored I wanted to hang out!" He whines and I cover his mouth with my hand, he was letting his quirk slip again. "First off shut up or control your quirk, secondly why don't you hang out with Nemuri?" I ask him removing my hand from his mouth, "Because Nemuri is busy! And I always hang out with Nemuri!", he says again then he notices Collins whom I completely forgot about, "Who's she? She's got a lot of arms," he asks and I laugh and then look at Collins, "Do you wanna tell him or should I Prinkípissa, " I say, she hates when I call her by her by her middle name, Princess, in any language. She answers but never breaks eye contact with me,"I'm Collins, best friend to Temi and owner of Finley's Fidgets, pleasure to meet you," she says to Hizashi. He nods, "Soooo, are we gonna hang out or nah? Cuz I'm bored, Nemuri is busy and Shota is probably napping as usual." "Sure why not, come on in," I say unlocking my door and letting them both inside. My dogs immediately tackle Collins, and she squeals and laughs as they lick her face. Hizashi and I laugh and walk farther in, I toss all the toys around the living room. "Collins, how's business? Is it still your full time job?" I ask. She replies with, "It's going great! It is my full time job, I've gotten more customers since you made that little ad. People love to buy anything that THE Seillean Mòr uses!" She laughs and so do I, "Oh by the way I still have that first one you gave me," I say holding it up. "Am I gonna be included in this conversation or am I just gonna sit here?" Hizashi asks. "You guys wanna play video games?" I ask and they both jump up and down excitedly. I laugh and say, "Follow me!" I head to my room, since Aizawa has already seen it, along with Nemuri, I don't care who sees it at this point. We walk into my room and Hizashi gasps and Collins just laughs at me. "You still crushing on him huh Bumble?" Collins ask and I look away but Hizashi presses me, "You crush on SHOTA?!! Oh my god does he know? Have you told him? Has he seen this? Has Nemuri's seen this? How much does he know?" "Um...yes, I don't think so, no, yes, yes, I'm not sure," I say, shyly answering all of his questions. "What did he have to say?" Hizashi asks raising his eyebrows, "He teased me a bit, or tried to, but I gave him a serious response in return," I say, "He had said 'You're very good at decorating' and then I think he said 'Why IS your room covered in my merch?' And my response was 'You're my favorite hero, ever since you started out as a Pro. I watched anything and everything that had to do with you and read every news article, the very few that there were. I looked up to you, you were my hero. I wanted to be just as good a hero as you' word for word, because that is all true. Then I proceeded to show him, the UA themed box I made when I was 6 that now holds Finley's ashes. Finley is...was my sister," I explain and point to the shelf where the box is. It's surrounded in Allmight merch, just the self with the box. The shelves below and above that are, of course, covered in Eraserhead merch. "Soooo, video games?" I ask trying to change the subject and again they both nod vigorously. I go to the little TV I have set up in the corner with my PlayStation and my Nintendo Switch. I put in my favorite game, Stardew Valley. I turn on my extra controller and hand it to Hizashi and give Collins my switch. "Oh god not this game again!" Collins shines, "I've never played this game before, what's it about?" Hizashi asks. "It's like a farming game but there quests you have to do and there mining and monsters to fight to level up and earn money. You make friends with the villagers and can eventually marry one, I find it fun but not many people like it. Collins likes it but it's all I ever want to play with her, she's to good at everything else it's not fair. I'm gonna make a new save for the three of us, I have two play stations so go play it on that one, you can join the save once it's open. Make your character first though if you need help just ask!" I say and send him the other side of my room to my other TV with my other PlayStation.
A/n if you know Stardew Valley you know that it IS multiplayer but only online play and it has to be the same console, so if you have it on Steam you can only play with friends who have it on Steam. I am ignoring this fact for the sake of the story so don't come at me
Hizashi ends up needing help so I show him how and explain how stuff works, but I also turn on the tutorials for him. We play for a while and manage to get all the community center quests done except the fish tank section, and we worked together so we only have to do it once (A/n not sure of that's actually how it works I only have the game on my iPad) and it was only a season into year 2. I had already made good friends with Sebastian and Emily, I couldn't decide who I wanted to marry. I built up enough money to get the mermaid pendant, I had given each of them a bouquet. I decided that I would show Nemuri a picture of each character and ask who she would marry of the two. (A/n I head cannon Nemuri as bisexual, deal with it) "I think I'm gonna head home Temi, but this was fun! I really like that game. I'm gonna go have some food and train a bit before it gets to late!" Hizashi said, "Collins where are you staying? I'll take you home," I asked as Hizashi left my room, I heard the front door open and close and knew he was gone. "Um..heh...about that, I don't have a hotel or anything.....heh" Collins laughed nervously. I picked up my sketchbook from my desk and walked over to her, "WHY—WOULD—YOU—COME—HERE—IF—YOU—HAD—NO—PLACE—TO—STAY!!" I yelled at her giving her a smack with my sketchbook with every word. "Hey! Hey stop it!" she whines and I stop, "I didn't have enough money to book a plane and hotel...." she looks down, ashamed, "I lied. The shop isn't doing well, even with the promotion you made for it. It is my full time job, but I barely have enough money to keep living in my apartment," she said sadly. "Nobody wants to buy my fidgets, or anything I sell on that shop, because I'm not Finley. They loved her, she was so sweet, they lost interest after she died," she was crying now, I hugged her tightly, "I'll ask my boss if it's ok if you live with me for now, I can help you get back on your feet. I'm sure he'll be fine with it!" I say, it wasn't that late it was only about 6:30 so I decided to call Nezu.
"Hello this is Nezu speaking!" He said in a cheery voice.
"Hey Nezu it's me, Temi. I was wondering if it would be ok if my best friend Collins stayed with me in the teachers apartment for a bit, she's falling on hard times with her business and doesn't have a place to stay. She can barely afford her apartment back home but she still spent money to hand deliver a package for me." I explain trying not to sound desperate.
"I don't see a why not," he said thoughtfully, "What is her business exactly if I might ask?"
"It's an online shop called Finley's Fidgets, it was my sisters before she passed away but she took over. She sells fuzzy keychain squishy balls of all colors and she even does custom ones. They're mainly supposed to be stims or fidgets for anybody with ADHD, like me, but she said that ever since my sister died it hasn't been doing as well."
"Well maybe I could offer a deal, or assist in a way. If you don't mind bringing her to my office tomorrow morning to discuss it?"
"Oh not at all sir! I'll be more than happy to do so, that's all I needed to ask you so I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing. If I'm not mistaken you were drinking tea and filling out any paperwork, while playing a game of chess against a Toshinori?"
"Very good inference, mostly correct but actually I'm playing with Miss Kayama. She is quite good at it, better than I would've expected, I'll let you go and tend to your friend. Good evening Miss Tantula!" His cheery voice squeaks through the phone and he hangs up.
"Great news, you can stay here for a while! Other great news my boss has an idea to assist in your situation, I'm not sure what it is but he wants to have a meeting tomorrow morning. So go to bed I can tell your tired. And you're lucky I stole some of your nice clothes, even though they don't fit me." I say and send her off to sleep as I do the same.
~Time skip to the morning brought to you by Aizawa doing aerial silks~
After we woke up and got ready I take her to Nezu's office, I bring my laptop to show him the website as well. We get there and I knock, only to hear the intercom state "Ms Tantula there is a Code KFC, proceed to the teachers lounge" so I grab one of Collins many hands and drag her to the teachers lounge. I burst in the door to see Midnight in her hero costume and I also see flaming garbage. "Oh thank god you here Midnight. Oh....Endeavor, to what might I owe this pleasure flaming garbage?" I say in slight disgust. He scoffed and glared at me, "I'm here to speak with Nezu, he is cur-" "Currently talking to Hawks. Yeah I know, a code KFC was called." I cut him off and he looks at me confused. "Remember last time you both were here and the...encounter I had with him? Nezu and I decided to have a code that would alert me that he is in the building without specifically saying he is in the building. Usually I would be alerted as to where in the building he is, but we don't want him to know of the code. Eraserhead also knows what the code means. I'm not to go anywhere without someone from the faculty while there is a code KFC, so Midnight would you accompany me and Collins here to class 1-a? He knows that this is where I'll be so I don't want to be here when he is finished," I ask and she nods, not knowing what happened last time and wanting to. She asked me what happened between me and Hawks and I explain it to her. So she escorts me and Collins to 1-a, I might as well make the announcement to the class about my being an actual teacher now. "Hey Miss Tantula!" My favorite ADHD pikachu, and only ADHD pikachu, said as soon as I walked in. "Hey Denki! Hello class!" I say as I walk in, Collins is following behind me tentatively. "Woah, who the pretty lady with big boobs and lots of arms?" the perverted grape asks. "Open the front window" I say and I gesture Mineta to the front of the class. "Mineta it seems you haven't learned your lesson yet," I say and kick him out the window as I shout, "This time there will be no bees to catch you!" At this the entire class bursts out laughing and surprisingly, Aizawa cracks a grin. I notice this and smirk, "I have an announcement but first I think I should introduce my friend here, This is Collins Cáit (pronounced "kawtch") she is my best friend from Scotland. She came to visit and is currently staying with me. Denki, I think you owe her a thank you, as I see you have the two with you currently," I say pointing at the fidgets. "Thank you Miss Cáit, they are so cool!" He says enthusiastically, "Please just call me Collins, Collins~Sama or Collins~San," she says with a small smile, "Miss Tantula Code KFC in the hallway of the teachers lounge" the intercom blares and I can hear voices in the hallway. "C'mon Temidrion~Sama we have to go see Nezu remember? You woke me up so early to go see him!" Collins starts dragging me away, "You're lucky you my best friend, you know Finley was the only one allowed to call me with an honorific!" I whine as she tries to drag me back to Nezu's office. "I'll be back class, I have to escort Miss Tantula to Principal Nezu's office," Aizawa's says and then walks out the door catching up to us easily. Collins whispers so I can barely hear her, "I can see your flustered, your nystagmus is worse than usual," and she smirks at me as I flick her forehead,"Shush you I can see, like seven of your hands shaking, you're totally
fan-girling right now. Just ask him to sign the book. We both know you brought it with you," I say out loud not bothering to whisper and I can see Aizawa cock an eyebrow. "What are you two talking about?" He asks and I don't listen to Collins protest as I tell him, "She is a fan and wants you to sign her book." "As big a fan as you?" He tease and I flick his forehead, "Never," I grab her bag and pull out her book, it was a book that had all favorite heroes in it along with any information on them and their quirks at the time is was published. It was her book, that she wrote and published last year, of course I was in it and all the heroes from Scotland. She had all their signatures and she had Eraserhead Present Mic and Midnight in there as well. I'll have to ask Hizashi and Nemuri to sign it, I hand it to him and open it to his page, it may have been written by her but all illustrations were done by me, "This is you page in her book, all illustrations courtesy of me except for the ones of me.  Those were done by Finley, hence why my costume hasn't change at all. Collins wrote and published it last year and she wants all the hero's in it to sign their pages," I explain as I hand him the book, which he takes with a smirk and he signs his page. Collins is weakly hitting my arm repeatedly because she is so excited that he signed her book. I laugh as we finally reach Nezu's office, "Thanks Aizawa, also I'm coming over your house later. I owe you a lesson in sign language," I say as I poke him in the chest to which he laughs, "And I suppose I owe you a lesson in aerial silks, so meet me on the rooftop gym instead." "Alright, I'm sure Collins wouldn't mind hanging out with Hizashi and Nemuri. Either way I'm dumping her with one of them," I laugh and head into Nezu's office followed by Collins, Aizawa heads back to class. "Hello Nezu!" I say cheerily, "Hello Temi, I presume this is Collins?" He asks and I nod as we both sit down. "As far as students with diagnosed ADHD there is only one, Denki Kaminari. But there are many students who show signs of ADHD or just seem to fidget a lot. I propose a business deal, we put up poster for the shop in the halls, if any student would like a fidget they must come see me or you Temi. I can have the teachers take note of who seems to fidget a lot and give me a list so I can call them down and speak with them about it," he says and I nod, "That sounds like a good idea," I say but he continues speaking, "Each student who so chooses will be getting a minimum of 3 fidgets unless they want more, they can be custom ones or any that you sell in the shop. Does that sound like a plan Collins~Sama?" Nezu ask sweetly and Collins just nods. She can't comprehend that someone she doesn't even know is so willing to help her. "Collins~Sama I'll have Midnight escort you back to Temi's apartment and Temi I'll have Present Mic take you back to class," he says and I nod but then I ask, "Could you have them both come down here? It would make her day if they signed their pages in her book, she wrote it last year and it's been her mission to get every hero to sign their respective page," I take the book from her hands and show him. "She wrote this book? I have the same one!" He pulls an identical copy from his desk drawer and I hear an audible gasp come from Collins. I think she is finally processing what is actually happening she takes the book from my hands and flips to the very back revealing pages that were clearly not part of the original book. The first page was Nezu, with the little drawing I did of him. It had any information I could give her about him and his quirk, "So that's why you wanted me to draw him," I say as I see this she nods and hold the book out to him. He sees the page and his face lights up and he laughs a little bit, "Firstly this is amazing that you added me to your book, I'm honored. Secondly, Temi you drew that?" He asks and I nod, "I really like drawing, I was doodling in my sketchbook the other day and ended up drawing Aizawa without realizing it," I pull out the drawings I did, colored and black and white. Showing them to him he gasps, "These are incredible, have you ever though of doing commissions?" He asks me and I give him the same and swear I gave Aizawa, " i've tried doing commissions before but nobody wanted anything within my comfort zone of drawing, they wanted really NSFW stuff. The most I'm comfortable is drawing a guy shirtless or a girl in a half unbuttoned shirt," I say looking down as if suddenly I found the floor really interesting. "You really should do commissions, I know I for one would love to get art from you!" He says with a smile and I look up, "You know, you're the second person that's told me that," I say with a small smile, "Maybe I should take the advice, I can open my website back up and try to get my art back out there. I used to do a lot of graffiti art back home, I stopped after my sister died, she was the one who took the pictures and uploaded them to my social media and my website. I might see if there is any graffiti that people want covered and I could do that, and I could do the chaos paintings I used to do," I start thinking out loud and Nezu chuckles. He calls for Midnight and Present Mic to come to his office over the intercom. They arrive shortly after and I'm snapped out of my trance, I take the book and open to Hizashi's page, "Hey can you sign this for her? She wants all the heroes in here to sign their respective pages. You too Midnight, if you guys don't mind," I ask holding out the book. They both sign and Collins is sitting there squealing, I flick her forehead and say, "Girl shut up, you're gonna make me deaf." She laughs and so do I, "'Zashi take her back to my apartment please and if you don't mind can she hang with you later? I have plans and don't trust her alone in my house. Nemuri you're taking me to class, the tea I have is scalding," I say and Nemuri claps her hands and squeals a bit before dragging me out. "Spill the tea sis," she says, "Ok so obviously you saw that my room is covered in Eraserhead merch, from when you brought me home, but I totally forgot that Aizawa was Eraserhead after having a really sad conversation with him, I brought him to my room to show him the box I keep my sisters ashes in. Long story I'll tell you another time. And he saw my room covered in his merch and started teasing me about it. Also the first time I went to the rooftop gym he scared the shit outta me and then showed me aerial silks and now he is gonna teach me. I'm teaching him sign language, um... I started doodling in class and didn't even realize I drew him and he saw it and teased me a little more, he told me I should do commissions and just now so did Nezu so I'm opening my website back up," I ramble, "Woah slow down, and breathe your turning blue " Midnight says jokingly. "Sorry, there is just so much tea. I'll tell you about my sister another time, maybe over lunch tomorrow but right now I gotta make an announcement and then I have a sign language lesson to teach then my aerial silks lesson begins!" I say as we made it to 1-a. I walk into the classroom and am immediately questioned, "Miss Tantula why did Mr Aizawa have to escort you to Principal Nezu's office?" Toru asked. "There was a Code KFC, I will not go into detail about WHY it exists. I will only say it warns me that Hawks is in the building after....an encounter....in the teachers lounge almost a month ago," I say, "But before I let Aizawa continue his lesson I have an announcement to make. I am an official teacher at UA! I'm no longer a teachers assistant," I cheer. I hear some students, mainly the BakuSquad, say stuff like "Cool!" and "Woah I can't wait", Kirishima of course says, "That's so manly bro" Shoji pipes up and asks the million dollar question, "What will you be teaching?" "A mix of things actually, languages and ASL. The way I teach will be tournaments, and no not like the sports festival. Different activities, my favorite being chess, and you'll be quizzed while playing to teach multitasking. I'll be running the class my way, and it will not be a conventional classroom. I start on Monday," I say and all the students are just looking at me in awe. I smirk and go take my seat in the corner with my sketchbook but decided I should hover instead. I summon some honey to create a ledge in the corner that I can sit on to rest my wings. I take off my jacket, just a pullover, to reveal my corset and my seven clip vintage bra. It's a vintage so it goes down the entirety of my torso and the corset is just covering right beneath my boobs down the rest of my torso. I expand my wings and fly up, hovering six feet off the ground, and I just start sketching again. This time i know sketching Aizawa, it's him in his hero costume hanging upside down from his capture weapon, kind of like Spider-Man does with his webs. The classroom is silent which causes me to look up and see everyone staring at me, "What? Why are you all staring at me?" I ask genuinely confused. "May I ask about your quirk Miss Tantula? There are so many components to it!" an excited Midoriya asks me. "Sure Izuku," I say gently landing on the ground and put my sketchbook on the nearest desk, that was a mistake. The nearest desk was Mina's and I had left my sketchbook open to the drawing I was working on, she immediately sees this and squeals, grabbing my wrist and pointing at it. I look down and see it and shake my head. "Mina~Chan you're to overly excited about petty gossip. I can assure you there is nothing to gather from that drawing, I was just sketching." I walk to the front of the classroom and sit on the edge of Aizawa's desk, to which he grunts but doesn't tell me to get off. "So Deku, what do you want to know?" I ask with a smile, "Well...what exactly is your quirk? What abilities does it give you? Strengths and weaknesses, the drawbacks of using it, that kinda stuff," he says timidly. "Oh so you want the works, ok then," I say, "My quirk is called Bee, as you can see it gives me wings, but it also gives me antenna." My antenna pop out of my head and wiggle a little bit. "My sense of smell is better than a normal person, but definitely not as good as Hound Dog's. Like Ashido's acid I can shoot honey from my hands. The honey can either be used and then hardened a little while after, the hardened honey can be used to make weapons or other things. It can be used as acid that can burn through thin materials like cloth, plastic, and paper. Or I could literally spread it on top of biscuits. My wings, as you may have noticed can retract inside my body. They can retract about half their size, my wings being an extension of my body can feel things so if someone were to touch them I would feel it. This might be a bit too much information but, because my wings are a part of my body if someone touches them I CAN get....aroused...by it." After I say that I immediately regret it when I see Mineta standing on his chair. I fly up so his 3'6 1/2" ass can't reach me. "Iida please go to the teachers lounge and get my dogs, they are in the outdoor kennel. If Midnight is there just have her get them, I think I should have little demonstration of how they were taught to fight," I say smugly. Iida runs off and is back about 5 minutes later with my dogs right behind him. "Argentum! Aurum! Formation Delta, capto eius armis!" (Capto eius translates to grab his and armis translates to arms)
I say and they get into formation and jump at Mineta, each grabbing an arm in their mouth but not drawing blood. Mineta is sitting there trembling and land and crouch in front of him. "Now that I'm a teacher I can and will expel you, with no hesitation. You barely have what it takes to be a hero. During the USJ incident you sat there and cried freaking out, yes I get that you were scared and that you didn't think you were going to be facing real villains that early on. But let me tell you something, that's a heroes entire job! They never know when they're going to be facing a villain, but even if they're not expecting it they're a hero so they man up and take care of the problem. They don't sit there bawling their eyes out." I say as I stand up, "If hear from anyone that you touched them without their consent or were doing something perverted, I will make sure that you don't finish your first year here." I turn and go back to my corner after grabbing my sketchbook off of Mina's desk. "Exsolvunt" I tell the beasts holding his arms and he runs back to his seat crying. (exsolvunt means loosen) "Miss Tantula is so cool!" I hear Kyoko squeal quietly, "Thank you Jiro. Oh and Deku you can add to your notes that I have a good relationship with bees, I can't control them or anything but they like me and do as I ask sometimes!" I say and start sketching again. Aizawa continues with his lesson since it's the last class of the day. As I'm gathering my things to leave he comes up behind me. "Drawing me again, were you?" I can hear the smirk in his voice without looking at him. "And if I was?" I ask, smirking as I turn to look at him, "I'm designing more custom merch for you. I'm reopening my website and commissions." "I'll be waiting for you at the rig, don't be late. And for god sake don't come in skeleton makeup," he says as we both walk out, only to be greeted with the floating uniform and floof of pink fluffy hair running away squealing. "They going to go gossip with the girls about that aren't they?" I ask rubbing my temples and Aizawa pinches the bridge of his nose," That's exactly what they're going to do, I'll handle it back at the dorms. So instead of 4 make it 5. It might take a while," he sighs as we walk to our apartments. I walk in and Collins is there with a pizza, she clearly made it herself since my indoor grill is out. "Grilled pizza? Don't mind if I do!" I say putting my stuff down after taking off my shoes and grabbing a slice. I eat it and then go shower and change into a sports bra and booty shorts. I walk out and plop my makeup and face paint in front of Collins, "Do my makeup will you? Something weird and eccentric. But no skeletons, I had specific instructions that I wasn't to wear skeleton makeup," I say and she squeals immediately shoving me into a chair and turning on the bright light. She picks up the makeup, and applies my foundation to even out my skin tone. She takes my liquid eyeliner and puts a heart and the word rotten on, I can see where she is going because my outfit. She did my eyeshadow, but then she picked up my liquid latex and fake blood. I was confused at first until she applied it to the opposite cheek of the heart and the word rotten. She made it look like an S was carved instead of a J and I smacked her. "If you're going to do it, do it right and make it a J!" She laughs and makes another one with a J and makes it look like the J was carved into my face, adding fake blood that drips down my face a bit. As she finishes I get a text from Shota that reads "You're late" I look at the time and it's 5:20. "Shit I gotta go hun," I say and quickly text 'Zashi to come get her as I put my shoes on and spray my face with setting spray so I can't sweat my makeup off. I opened my door about to rush out and almost bump into 'Zashi, "Keep her out of trouble and don't do anything stupid!" I say as I'm running towards the elevator to go up to the roof. I get in the elevator and it quickly goes up to the roof, I step out and I don't see Shota anywhere, but I can sense his presence and smell sweat. Also there isn't any breeze and the aerial silks at swinging gently, so he must have used them somewhat recently. "Boo," he whispers in my ear and I swing at him as a reflex, he catches my fist in his hand, "I thought I said no skeleton makeup," he sighs. "You did, so I didn't do skeleton makeup, this is Harley Quinn makeup. And no I'm not taking it off, Collins worked hard on it hence why I'm late," I say and then more to myself I say,"I swear to god even with all those hands she can't multitask when it comes to makeup." He just chuckles and tells me to follow him to the aerial rig.
~Timeskip to 7:30 when it's dark out cuz I know nothing about aerial silks~
~Aizawa's POV~
"That's takes a lot more strength than I though it would!" Temi said and I laughed, "Did you think it would be easy?"
"No, but I didn't think I'd have to have the strength of FUCKIN Allmight," she said sarcastically and I laughed again. She grabbed the extra shirt and bra she brought and went into the showers to rinse all her sweat off. She comes back in her Eraserhead custom shirt so she can have her wings out and I chuckle. "Alright time for the forever promised ASL lesson. Even if you already know it, we are starting with the alphabet. You can join me in my class on days we do ASL since it's open to anybody from the school," she said.
We sat down in the middle of the sparring mat, neither one of us wanting to leave to comfort of the roof, under the stars I noticed how the moonlight glinted off her wings. She proceeds to show me the alphabet and how to count to 9.

{COMPLETED} Cats Are Friendly With Bees {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now