Missing Doubloon

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Lena heard her alarm screech to life at 5:37 in the morning. "Ugh!" she threw her pillow at the wall, yet another sleepless night to add to her collection. "Curse you Magica!" she got up and went to her dresser. She noted her sunken eyes and dark circles. She sighed before opening her door and going to the restroom. She engulfed the doorknob with her blue aura of magic and opened the door. She noted her new form of magic smelt oddly of a mixture of lilac, peppermint, ozone and pine needles, with a hint of rosemary. It was a an interesting smell to say the least. Lena usually woke up well before 5:00 but she had substantially drained her energy getting ready for this day.

Her adoptive parents, Ty and Indy had decided she needed to get some good experience in the field of work. It was mainly to give her something to do, and what better, and safe job is there than a nice quiet internship at the Money Bin's main office, and who knows, maybe Lena might be able to bring home a souvenir from her time there.

After she finished brushing her teeth and getting dressed she went into the kitchen. Ty was already awake making Lena a special meal for her first day at the job.

"Morning sunshine!"

Ty eagerly greeted his oldest child. "Meh." Lena responded reaching for the plate of pancakes on the table to stuff her face with as much food as possible (She could eat a lot sometimes) but Ty stopped her. "It's customary to greet someone back when they say good morning." he corrected. Lena nodded. 


She halfheartedly said as she checked her new digital satellite watch that Scrooge bought her that Christmas. "So, honey? You excited about working at the Bin?" Ty asked as he moved to sit next to Lena as she herself was now currently on a sixth pancake. "Hmm mm." she said as she took a big gulp of orange juice to wash it down.

"Yep. Real excited, me and Scrooge are going to catalog all kinds of cursed bouillon inside the vault and then we're probably going to go on an in depth tour of the building to get me familiar with the facility."

She nonchalantly said as she took out her phone and texted Webby.

'Hey Webs? You up?'

She waited until she heard a ping.

'You bet! Today's your first day at the office isn't it?'

Lena just chuckled. The two texted for about ten more minutes until there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Ty said as he hurried to the door. When he opened it he couldn't believe his eyes. It was Scrooge himself, smiling fondly. "I hope you dunnae mind Mr. Sabrewing, but I took it upon myself to personally take Lena to her first day. Launchpad will drive us, my treat, if ye' don't mind of course."

The top hat wearing duck asked politely. "Of course not Mr. McDuck! Lena!" Mr. Sabrewing called his adoptive daughter over with a proud smile.

"Yeah dad?"

Lena asked curiously. Ty smiled a big smile and ushered Scrooge inside. The business man accepted gratefully. "Thank ye' kindly sir, I Cannae stand how cold it gets sometimes." he said with a distain for the frigid temperatures currently afflicting the whole town of Duckburg. "I mean, 45 degrees is reasonable but minus 5? I dunnae know how anyone can bare this, let alone go about regular business, Launchpad just spent five hours 'fixing' his engine because it froze rock solid overnight. Not to mention my spats nearly froze to me' feet just stepping out of my limo." he rubbed his frostbitten feet with his hands to emphasize. 

His frown quickly turned into a fatherly smile however when noticing Lena's guilty expression. 

"Lena, ya' Cannae keep blaming yer' self for every little bad thing that happens to me, or me' family. Alright lass?" He asked her. Lena nodded, still not making eye contact with the trillionaire out of past regret. Scrooge took out a pocket watch and realized. "Bless me' bagpipes I'm five and a half minutes late fer' a board meeting! Come on Lena, get a move on, we've got to high tail it if we Any chance of making it in time fer my meeting!" he politely excused himself from the Sabrewing's home as Lena put on her warm clothes and received a quick goodbye kiss on the forehead from Ty. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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