The Arcade

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What is happening only happens in "It Chapter Two"

The losers had been separated for a while now. Diz felt weird being the only one that was friends with most of the losers in the group

One day, Richie called her up. "Hello?" Diz said into the phone. "Hey Diz, um- it's Richie. Look, I'm sorry about everything. I was wondering if you wanted to go to the arcade with me today?" Richie asked. Richie asked Diz because he knew that Diz was into video games, while the other losers weren't.

"It's okay Rich, and of course I'll come. Be there in ten." Diz said before hanging up and running to her room to get ready.

Once she got to the arcade, she entered to see Richie playing Street Fighters. He was playing with another guy Diz hadn't seen around before. "Hey Rich!" Diz called across the arcade. Richie looked up from the screen at her. The other boy looked to see who was calling Richie. Richie waved Diz over to them and Diz ran over to join.

The boy that Richie was playing with was staring at Diz. He liked her. Diz didn't notice. "Hey! I'm Diz. I don't think we've met?" Diz questioned. The boy shakes his head. "Hey, I was just playing with Richie here. He's pretty good." He says.

Then they start playing. They play for a long while. They play a ton of games together. The boy keeps looking at Diz as she plays. Diz sort of liked him.

"Your not too bad for a girl." The boy says. This is where Diz lost interest. "Wooooow. Thanks I guess?" Diz says, trying to pretend she doesn't care. Richie knows she cares, she's really conservative on that gender stuff. They boy blushes and chuckles.

Diz starts playing as the boys stand on either side of her, watching and helping her. "YES YES YES!" Diz yells as she wins. The three cheer in victory.

Then the boys play against each other. Diz cheers them on as they play. "Ahh nice one. Your pretty fuckin good." The boy says to Richie. They give each other a sus high five thing. Richie seems to enjoy it. "Well, I got to go. Bye Richie, Diz." He nods at the two, and smiles at Diz. "Wait!" Richie says. He picks up a coin. "I- I have another coin! We can all play another game. Oh- only if you want to..." Richie says, acting strange.

Just then, Henry Bowers and his gang come out from the back, laughing at some jokes. The boy looks back at Richie. "Why are you acting like that? I'm not your fucking boyfriend!" The boy yells. Causing Bowers and his group to butt in. "Woah! I didn't!-" Richie starts, trying not to offend the boy. "What's goin on here?!" Bowers asks the group. "You assholes didn't tell me your town was full of little fairies!" The boy yells, causing a scene. Everyone starts to listen in. "Richie fucking Tozier? You tryna bone my little cousin?!" Bowers yells.

Richie stares at them all, sad and confused.
"GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE FAGGOT!" Bowers yells, making Diz and Richie jump. Richie slowly backs away. "GO!" Bowers yells again. Richie turns away and runs. "Richie.." Diz says, starting to understand why he was acting that way now. She reaches a hand for him as he runs out. She turns her back to runs after him, but the boy grabs her. "Hey Diz. That had nothing to do with you just so you know. Do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?"He asks. Diz stares at the boy. "No." She simply says. Diz is offended and hurt at how the boy treated Richie. She doesn't even bother to be nice to him before she dashes after Richie.

"RICHIE!" Diz yells. RICH!" She doesn't hear a response as she runs over to Richie. He sits on the bench. She walks over to him when she notices he's crying. Diz sits close to him as she holds him. He cry's and takes off his glasses to wipe his eyes. Diz takes them from him, putting them on herself.

"Howdy howdy! I'm Richie and I'm proud to be Richie!" Diz says, trying to cheer Richie on. Richie chuckles. "Hey I'm Richie. And I'm a dumbass." He says. Diz laughs. "No your not! Your funny, witty, and I guess you can be a dumbass sometimes!" They laugh.

Just then, they hear a sound. They look around, confused. Then they see it. The Paul Bunyan statue. It starts to move.

"Shit no." Richie gasps. Then it thrusts it's ace back as it starts to swing at the two. "HOLY SHIT!" Diz yells, grabbing Richie as they run.

They run across the field from the statue. "Diz!" Richie yells for Diz to defeat it. "Richie listen to me!" Diz yells as they run. Richie looks at her. "I'm not the only one with the power to defeat it! You have the power of courage! Use it!" She yells. It starts to hit Richie.

While Richie is thinking, he trips and falls. "RICH!" Diz yells. She runs back to Richie. She runs up to the statue and thrusts her arms out. Before she can throw it back, the statue swings it's axe as her and flings her across the yard. She flies in the air before hitting the ground hard. She winces in pain.

Richie watches in horror as Diz is flung across the yard. "NO!" He yells, scared. He curls up in a ball on the grass. "It's not real it's not real it's not real it's not real." He says over and over again until he believes. He shows his confidence and courage. He opens his eyes to see the statue had disappeared.

Richie quickly rushes across the yard to Diz. He kneels over her. "Diz! DIZ!" He yells, shaking her. "Holy shit holy shit." He mumbles. Then he lays down next to the unconscious Diz. "I think I just shit my pants." He says. Diz chuckles. "Diz!" He yells, giving her a shove. She sits up. "My head..." She grumbles. "My eye..." She grumbles again, holding her eye. "Holy shit your eye is black." Richie says. "Well yeah. The mother fucker hit me in the face and flung me across the yard." Diz chuckles.

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