#1 special delivery!

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It was raining outside so I chose to spend the day playing super Mario Galaxy. Its not like I had school that day so what else was I going to do? In the middle of a level I heard a knock at the door "hm? Coming!" I called as I paused the game and got up. I opened the door and, to my surprise, it was the mail man and not shuichi like I was expecting....but he's standing next to a big box....is that for me? I didn't order anything though.... He handed me the clip board I signed it all that stuff then after he left a stared at the box.

'Idabashi robotics....' I read out loud. Why did they send me something? My interest is piqued. I dragged the box inside took out my switchblade and opened the box. To my suprise a robot almost immediately sat up. I thought he would have to be charged or something "oh! hello there my name is k1-b0 you must be my new master" He looked around my apartment with starry eyes "I've been in the factory for so long I'm so happy to he here!" He climbed out of the box and stood up "um this must be some sort of mistake...i didn't order you" K1-b0 froze and looked towards the floor nervously "do....do you not want me?" "No that's not it at all I'm happy to have you here it's just...if I took you instead of sending you too whoever bought you.....that would be stealing"

K1-b0 cocked his head to the side "stealing? What is that?" How does he not know what stealing is? Robots know everything don't they? "Taking something without permission" I got up "oh it wouldn't be stealing at all you see, I am a learning a.i and I was sent to...'rantaro amami' so you could teach me how to be human! In six months my creator will collect me to see if my a.i will need to be improved. I believe you are rantaro amami....correct" I nodded my head slowly "great!" He hugged me tightly out of nowhere "I believe that we are going to be...." He paused "I think the word your looking for is friends" He let go of me and stared into my eyes with a confused expression "what is a 'friend'?" "A friend is someone you have a non romantic but strong connection with" He nodded in understanding "yes, I believe that we are going to be the best of friends"

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