#8 I'll pay anything

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Six months flew by like days and before I knew it I heard a knock at my door "I'll get it" I said as I got up and opened it. I saw three men who were standing there. They looked like factory workers. "Hey....can I help you?" One of the men stepped forwards "idabashi robotics thanks you for participating in this experiment but now that six months have passed we are here to collect kiibo" My eyes widened as I sucked in a shocked breath. God damn it I forgot about that!

I looked at kiibo. He didn't seem like he wanted to go but he got up anyway. We've became so close that he's become like a son to me. I don't want to lose him. "....n...no" "I beg your pardon?" "I said no! I'm not letting you take him away he's too important to me" They seemed surprised by my retaliation "I'll do anything- I-i'll pay you anything just DON'T TAKE HIM AWAY FROM ME" I didn't realize that I started crying until I felt a tear splash on my foot. They paused before one said "You pay me one hundred thousand dollars and he's yours" I wiped the tears off of my face "Okay...I'll do it" I said as I got my wallet out. Kiibo grabbed my arm gently "You don't have to do that" "Yes I do....its fine I can spare one hundred thousand dollars"

I wrote them a check and handed it to him "pleasure doing business with you sir" Then I slammed the door. "Rantaro you really didn't need to-" I hugged kiibo as tight as I could, crying over his shoulder. I remember I thought about loosing him when I first started to warm up to him and it made me cry so almost loosing him in real life made me break down. "It's okay.....just let it all out....." Kiibo said as he patted me on the back gently "I'm sorry....i usually don't get like this but.....i love you so much and the last thing I want is to loose someone that important to me again"

"You....love me? What is love?" I separated from kiibo for a moment. "Love is.....well.....love is um...." I couldn't think of a way to describe it so I just kissed kiibo on the cheek instead. His entire face turned red with blush "I...um....i think I get it now. I love you rantaro" "I love you too"

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