Chapter I: The Train

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In her first year, Eleanor Daquine was sorted into Slytherin house. It wasn't too much of a surprise. Her father had also been sorted into Slytherin when he had attended Hogwarts. He didn't attend long though, his parents had brought him back to his roots in the summer of his third year and transferred him to Beauxbatons. He met her mother there, miss Adelene LaVallee. He claims love at first sight. The woman of his dreams. They fell in love and were married right out of school. By this time the first wizarding war was in full swing.

They stayed away and out of the war for nine years before poor Adelene was placed under the Imperius Curse. She turned on Dorian and tried to kill him since he wouldn't join her. Dorian took baby Eleanor and fled to England.

When word spread that Harry Potter had defeated the Dark Lord, Dorian immediately set to trying to find Adelene. He found out that she had been killed by an Auror, someone they call Mad-Eye Moody. He was never the same.

Eleanor grew up without a mother and with a father who was absent. He started work with the ministry and spent all of his time there. She was raised by her house-elf, Viola.

When she was sorted into Slytherin her classmates all scrutinized her. The daughter of a known Death Eater. How could she be different? Especially since she looks so similar.

Her pale skin rivals that of only a Malfoy. She has dark brown hair that falls just above her shoulders and bright blue-green eyes.

When Eleanor got onto the Hogwarts Express for the first time she had been silent. She intended to sit alone and wallow in her sadness and longing for family. Her dreams of a quiet trip had been crushed when two tall identical redheads swayed into her compartment. They had been laughing very loudly but fell silent when they met her gaze. After polite introductions between the three of them, Eleanor decided she was going to detest these boys and avoid them at all costs.

That was five years ago, now they're her best friends. Sure they still get on her nerves but she would never give them the satisfaction of knowing that. Fred, the more outspoken of the two, and Eleanor bonded over being able to get as many flings as they would like. Often setting bets on who can kiss the most people before Christmas. He gained the title of best kisser and her, well, Eleanor was known as the Hogwarts slut. That was until a childhood friend sauntered back into her life and asked her to be his.

Draco Malfoy has been in love with Eleanor for as long as he could remember. They grew up together. Sure she was two years older than him but he always counted on her to be there when his father could not. When he came to Hogwarts and was sorted into Slytherin with her, he forced his way back into her life becoming one of her closest friends and eventual boyfriend.

The Weasley twins hated that she liked Draco but she felt like he was right for her. The only other person who knew what it felt like to not be loved by your father.

"Come on Miss Eleanor, we must be leaving soon," Viola tore Eleanor from her thoughts.

"Yes, I suppose you're right."

"Master Malfoy will be meeting you at the station?"

"Yes, I believe so." The house-elf doesn't reply just grabs Eleanor's hand to apparate them to the platform.

With a harsh crack, Eleanor and Viola appear behind a pillar in Kings-Cross Station. Viola and Eleanor embrace quickly before Viola apparates back home. Eleanor pushes her cart over to the pillar clearly stating that it is nine on one side and ten on the other. She leans against it with one shoulder and falls through gracefully. Her cart falling with her. When she turns she's greeted with two smiling faces.

"Eleanor!!" They say together, voices in unison. Fred picks her up and pulls her into a hug.

"Hey guys," she smiles gratefully when Fred puts her back on the ground.

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