♚ sleepy boi indeed ♚

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art by bluuieberri on twitter

a sleepy bois roommate au starring wilbur, set irl where they are streamers living together

He massaged his temples, muttering under his breath. Wilbur had just stayed up for forty-eight hours straight writing songs about women, and it had left its toll, leaving him irritated and drowsy. It was around noon when he finally decided to take a break, but instead of sleeping, Will thought it be best to take a walk around the city. He told himself that it was to "take in the sights of London for inspiration", but really he just wanted to get out of the heaps of editing needed for the lyrics he was writing. Will wondered if he could get one of his three roommates to help him, then decided against it. While his roommates were exceptional streamers that made thousands of dollars each day, they were absolutely no help when it came to artistry. (Perhaps Techno might have done something, considering he was an English major and surely would've learned about lyrics before, but Will was too tired to think much about this.) Instead, he took a deep breath- remembering how one of them, Philza, had told him to do that whenever he got overwhelmed. Then he laughed at how much of a dad Phil was. To be honest, none of Will's friends were actually well-behaved, but Phil was the closest thing they had to responsible and also coincidentally the oldest. So they treated him like such, joking around and calling the poor man "dad" loudly in grocery stores. Phil did complain, but eventually gave up trying and let them have their way. In the end, even Phil's fanbase started calling him "Dadza", and seeing the lack of a father figure for many of his viewers, he embraced it. 

Wilbur stood up abruptly, pushing the blue gaming chair he was seated in back under his desk, then shook his head furiously to try and prevent himself from falling unconscious and collapsing on the cold wooden floor of his bedroom. The lack of sleep was really getting to him, but he soldiered on and miraculously made it out his door and into the living room. It was there that a blond haired boy with greyish-blue eyes sat on top of the sofa, drinking a can of coke whilst talking loudly on the phone. When he caught sight of Will, the blondie waved furiously. 

"Wilbur!" He proclaimed, before quickly telling the person on call that Will had just entered the room.

"Tommy, hello." Will answered groggily. "Who's that?" He half-heartedly gestured at the phone Tommy held.

"It's Tubbo, we're talking about the next stream. We wanna make it super pog. It's for the clout, big mannnnn." Tommy talked like he did on stream, whether it was on purpose or not. It was part of a character that he played online, but lately it had been transferring to his usual self and Wilbur was getting sick of it.

"Alright. Stop talking like that, you sound like an idiot." Wilbur sat down; his limbs felt like stone. He tilted his head back to rest it against the door behind him.

"You good Wilbur?" Another voice. This time, it was rumbling and deep. Will smiled weakly before realizing that no one could see it and promptly dropped the act.

"Nope. That's Techno, right?" He asked to no one in particular. Tommy replied anyways, with a short and sweet "yep". Wilbur sighed. Then he willed (haha funny pun) his seemingly frozen hand muscles to reach up to his head, in an effort to massage his pounding head again. It didn't work, and his hands fell short of their target, instead landing in his lap. He groaned, frustrated. Tommy, who just now notices that Will is in no good shape, hangs up on Tubbo. In one not-so-graceful movement, he hops of the couch, nearly smashes his head into a table, and lands squatting in front of Will. 

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