4| Condition Terminal

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The second Angelina and Liam entered the parking lot, Scott ran towards them. Once Liam had shown Angelina the direction the hospital was earlier, she had taken off. Liam had barely been able to keep up. "They're taking her into surgery." Scott informed them.

"Is she okay?" Angelina asked. She dreaded the response, because if Lydia wasn't okay, she wouldn't know what to do. 

Liam sighed when Scott didn't reply, "We figured out something." He spoke to his alpha. "We found a hole out in the woods, the-the one I fell in had Tracy's necklace."

"Tracy was buried?" Scott asked, pushing the hospital doors open.

"In a hole, buried alive, crawled out, and then we found another hole."

"Who was buried in that one?"

Angelina glanced up, "We don't know, but I'm pretty sure we're gonna want to find out."

They turned the corner, hopping in an elevator to get up to everyone else. Angelina had a single tear run down her face but quickly wiped it away. Once the doors opened, they stepped out and joined the others, just as Melissa was updating them.

"Alright, she's about to go into surgery, so it's gonna be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about? Or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?" The mother asked, looking around at each person.

"It was the tail." Kira spoke up.

"Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference." Scott clarified.

Melissa nodded and walked off, leaving the teens in a circle. Angelina leaned into her brothers side, his arm wrapped around her shoulder.

"But it wasn't just Tracy." Malia said, causing everyone to turn to her. "The-There were the others. The guys in the masks."

"Wait, what masks? What guys?" The youngest girl asked. "Can someone tell me what happened actually?"

Kira volunteered and took her from Stiles, leading her to a seat and began explaining. Angelina picked up quickly, Tracy attacked the station, Lydia tried to stop her but Tracy stabbed her with the tail.

When Kira finished, Stiles squatted in front of his younger sister, placing a gentle hand on her knee. "Let's go home, we can come back and check on her tomorrow." She nodded, slowly standing up and walking by everyone.

»»————- ➴ ————-««

Angelina lay flat in her bed, staring at the blank ceiling. The clock read 1:26 am, and her mind was constantly going. The moonlight lit up part of the room, creating little shadows of the tree branches. It was quiet, but then she heard a knocking on her window she grabbed a small knife and slowly stood up. As she got closer, she pulled back the curtains to reveal a sleepy looking Liam.

"Hey." Angie whispered, lowering the knife and opening the window. "You know you could've sent me a text, I would've opened the window earlier."

"Hmm." He hummed and smiled. Angelina moved as he grabbed her hand and pulled her closer. "Where's the fun in that?"

She shook her head, letting a quiet laugh pass through her lips. The two walked to the bed, Liam slipping off his shoes and crawling beside Angie. She sat crisscrossed and her gaze fell to her lap. 

"Have you been getting enough sleep? You look exhausted." Liam spoke, he too had bags under his eyes, but they weren't as bad as Angelina's.

"I'm fine." She whispered. "It's nothing."

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