Can You Keep a Secret?

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If you are uncomfortable with any of the TXT members being sexualized in any way, shape, or form, please do not read this work.



"So what if I have a crush on Mr. Choi?" Hueningkai spoke. "I don't think that's anything bad. Aren't teacher crushes supposed to be normal?"

Taehyun rolled his eyes, scoffing at the absurdity of this guy.

"Teacher crushes are normal, Hueningie. But you wanna know what's not?" He didn't give Hueningkai any time to answer his rhetorical question, simply cut him off before he could even say a word in response, "Walking out of Mr. Choi's classroom with hickeys on your neck every time he asks you to stay after school."

Hueningkai's mouth formed a faint 'o' shape. He immediately shrunk, averting his friend's gaze as he subconsciously touched his neck, "They're not hickeys.. they're, uh– bug bites!" He chuckled nervously, "Y-yeah he's got bugs in his classroom. They like to bite a lot. Especially on the neck."

Taehyun blinked, not buying Hueningkai's excuse in the slightest. He shifted his weight onto his left foot, placing his hands on his hips as he spoke slowly. "Ahhh.. bugs, huh?"

The redhead nodded to himself, poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue in an act of blatant annoyance.

"I didn't know bugs could leave cum stains all over someone's pants."

"What?" Hueningkai panicked, eyes blown wide as he hurriedly ran his hands all over his pants, frantically trying to search for the cum stain Taehyun was talking about, looking up to face his friend once he was greeted with nothing.

Taehyun looked disappointed, Hueningkai noted– disapproving of what he'd just done.

"I was kidding." Taehyun deadpanned. "You don't have anything on you. But seeing as how you reacted, it definitely seemed like you were rather worried about finding something." He quirked an eyebrow, slightly leaning towards Hueningkai. His voice was low as he whispered, backing him up against a locker, "Tell me.. just what do you and Mr. Choi do everyday after sch–"

"Nothing!" Hueningkai quickly blurted out, causing Taehyun to slightly jump back in surprise. The tiles below him squeaked as his shoes skid against them. "We don't do anything!"

Taehyun scoffed in apparent disbelief, shaking his head. "You're not fooling me, you think I don't know how you get all those perfect scores for tests you never study for? Or how I almost never see you paying attention in class, yet you still somehow always manage to get good grades?"

Taehyun's wide eyes were narrowed at this point; he was getting heated. "You don't study and you don't put in any effort during school. I'm not dumb Hueningkai, don't think I haven't noticed the way Mr. Choi looks at y–"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Hueningkai interrupted for the nth time, cutting off his best friend before he could rant any further, "no clue at all. Hueningie is innocent, thank you very much."

Taehyun made a face.

"You're lying." He spat, his voice laced with small sparks of sizzling anger and frustration, "I've known you for years, every time you speak in third person it means you're not telling the tru–"

"Now if you excuse me," The pale boy ignored Taehyun's comment once again, "I got, uh.. some more, um– tutoring to attend to with Mr. Choi."

"Since when did teachers give tuto–"

• Can You Keep a Secret? ꕀ Sookai (ENG)Where stories live. Discover now