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Isabella's P.O.V.

I sit up with a gasp and start looking around the room that I am in. I know immediately that I am in the room that they gave me at the Denali house. I look to my side and I see Kate smiling at me and then I look to my other side and see Rosalie smiling at me as well. I slowly stand up and get off the bed before I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. I have filled out a bit and I look less sickly. I quickly rip my shirt off and see that my once wound is no longer there. It doesn't even look like I was ever wounded. I turn back around and see Kate and Rosalie watching me carefully and I give them a confused look. I turn back around and look at my face in the mirror. I instantly realize that my eyes are no longer brown but violet instead. I quickly get away from the mirror and my back hits the wall. I hold my hands up to my face and feel around to see if it even is my face. It is.

"Isabella everything is okay. You need to calm down so that we can explain everything to you." Kate says to me as they both enter the bathroom.

I nod my head and slump down to the floor where I am at.

"That day at the mall you almost died on us. I know that I never asked you if you wanted this life but I couldn't bare to lose you so in the car ride home we initiated the change in you. We weren't sure if it was even going to work but Carlisle came and fixed up the outside of your body. Once we got to the house we noticed that something wasn't right. You weren't screaming like everyone else would have been doing and we also noticed that you weren't even moving." Rosalie says.

"We were afraid we had lost you. After a week you should have been awake but you didn't wake up. Everyone besides Jasper, Rosalie, and myself started fearing the worst that we had lost you. We never gave up on you though. Now here you are with us still alive." Kate finishes up.

"I tried to get back but I was stuck. I was faced with a question that stopped all of my fighting and it kept me in there for two weeks. Then when I answered the question I was let out and now I am awake and I look completely different." I tell them.

"Well we don't exactly know fully what you are. You are different from all of us but we promise you that we will figure this all out." Kate says.

"I know." I tell them.

Just then my stomach growls loudly and I look back down at my feet.

"Sounds like you are hungry so lets go get you some food." Rosalie says.

They both reach down and help me to my feet and just like that the three of us leave the room and head downstairs. Alice is waiting for us at the end of the stairs and she is holding out a shirt for me. I look down and realize that I am still in my ripped shirt and I quickly take the shirt and put it on before looking down at my feet.

"No worries Isabella. It happens to us all." Alice says with a laugh and then I can hear her leave the room.

Speaking of hearing I can hear all of the animals outside moving about. I can hear the clanging of the pans in the kitchen as someone is cooking. I can hear the cars driving on the road. I can hear my own heartbeat.

I instantly take a step back and I start to grab my head. There is too much noise. I shouldn't be hearing all of this. Why am I hearing all of this? What is going on with me?

I stop panicking when I feel two pairs of arms wrapping around me and holding me. I let go of my head and look at Rosalie and Kate as they hold me. "What is going on with me?"

"It's the change into being a vampire Isabella. We never got to explain anything to you before you were brought into this life. You have a lot to learn and we will be here with you every step of the way to help you through it all." Rosalie says.

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