Go back on that boat

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We continued to kiss. I started to pull on his shirt. He sat next to me."Are you sure" he asked. "Yes" I said as I pulled his shirt over his head. "Your not mad anymore" he asked. "Zack stop talking" I said as I unbuttoned his pants. He did as I said then took off my shirt. We kissed more then I got on his lap. "I missed you" he said in a low voice. "I miss you everyday" I said as he went faster. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I moaned. We went several more rounds after that. You'd be surprised how much you can do in a back seat. Once we were finally done we laid down next to each other. I shivered slightly but said nothing. "Are you cold" he asked. "A little" I said. I can't believe I forgot to grab a pillow and a blanket. "Here" he said as he handed me his jacket. He put it over me then put his arm around me. I moved closer to him and rested my head on his chest. "Goodnight" I said. "Goodnight" he responded. He kissed my head and I drifted to sleep in his arms.

I woke up to birds singing. I opened my eyes and they instantly went to Zack. One of his arms is wrapped around me and the other is at his side. The memories of last night came flooding back. Suddenly my phone started to ring. Zacks eyes opened and he looked at me. I looked around and finally I found my phone on the floor. "It's Dylan" I said. Zack was about to say something but I shushed him. "Hey I'm with my family right now can I call you later" I asked. "Sure just call me when you can I just wanted to say Goodmorning" he said then hung up. I sighed and looked back at Zack. "We should get dressed before everyone comes outside" I said. "Right" Zack said. We put our clothes on then got out of the car. "Last night was" he started to say. "A mistake" I said. Before he could say anything Cody and Bailey walked outside. "Goodmorning" Bailey said. She handed me a cup of coffee. "Thanks" I said. "Bailey come with me inside" I said. "Okay" she said. "Zack and I had sex last night" I whispered. "What" she yelled. "Shh" I said. I got more clothes out my bag and I started to get dressed. "I thought you two broke up and what about Dylan" she said. "We are broken up and I'm still with Dylan that's the problem" I said. "Are you going to break up with him" she asked. "No what happened with Zack was a mistake" I said. "Does he know that" she asked. "He should we broke up months ago" I said. "For your sake and his I hope your right" she said. I finished getting dressed then we went outside. Cody and Zack were already helping my parents clean up. "I can't believe how messed up everything is" Cody said. He tried to hammer a nail into the wall but he ended up hitting his finger. "Ow" Cody screamed. "Come here sweetie I don't think the hammer is for you" Bailey said. "At least we all go back on the boat today" Zack said. "We can't" Bailey said. "What why" Cody asked. "We don't have enough money to fix the barn and for me to go back on the boat" Bailey said. "And we have to help clean everything up" I said. "But we just got back together" Cody said. "I'm sorry" Bailey said. "Girls" Grammy Pickett yelled while standing up. "Your awake" my mom yelled. "Your alive" zack asked. "Grammy" I said. "You two go back on that boat I insists" she said. "I'm sorry but we don't have the money" my dad said. "Hogwash" Grammy yelled. "Grammy" I said shocked. "You two deserve to go live your lives" she said while handing Bailey the can from under her chair. "Look at all this money" Bailey said while looking in the can. "I thought that's where you went to the bathroom at" I said. "Bailey you go back on that boat and be with this boy" she said. She walked over to me and grabbed both my hands. "Hayley, my sweet sweet Haykey I need you to go back on that boat and figure things out your young but your not stupid so go back and make things right" she said. For a brief moment she glanced at Zack. "Thank you" I said as I hugged her. I told London everything that happened and she called her dad. After hearing the whole story he made a large donation to help fix the farm.

After a few more hours of cleaning up and fixing things the 4 of us got into Zack and Cody's car and headed back to the boat.

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