Chapter 17

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Soon what was left of the day passed, filled with pleasent conversation about interests and hobbies; Eunha enthusiasticly listing to ramblings about dance and music and fashion. Time was all taken by discusions of aspirations, study and families. They even begain to teach her how to play some video games, and although the consoles were foreign to her, she adapted quickly.

Now it is dark, the night having settled in while the group was absorbed in merriment and, having also settled into bed, the dorm is all but quiet. All but for the voice that roams softly with it's owner as he wonders the halls in search, "Yeontan? Where are you?" He pauses every now and again, crouching and looking under tables and chairs, book cases and cabinets, and all the while squinting as he strains his eyes in search of his friend. "You can't have gone too far.... you are to short to reach the elevator buttons and all the other doors are locked," he reasons to himself also noting that all the bedroom doors he passed were closed.

He is rather perplexed, wondering if his dog was playing with him; if he thought this were another game. But Taehyung is getting rather tired of seeking and decids that, come meal time, his dog would apear.

So he leaves his friend, still missing, and returns to bed with a frown, unaware that Yeontan was not the only inhabitant missing from their home.

Yes, I said; "not the only" meaning that another is most certainly also missing. In fact they are together. And although the four legged fluff is indeed too short to reach the elevator buttons, his new found companion, and dare I say new found love, is definitely tall enough.

Eunha, having roamed the floor, attracted the attention of Yeontan who had left his bed to drink some water. Subsequently he followed her, even as she entered the mechanical box and the doors closed behind them.

Her family had told her that, when she was young, she had the bad habit of sleepwalking, and to their dismay had occasionally wondered about outside; giving herself over to the hands of Fate. Luckily she had always been found and less then two years since her night time strolls were first noticed they ceased.

Well, that was until tonight. Eunha, though unable to exit the room she entered as she did not have the codes nor cognition to work the mechanism is also rather positively unable to wonder the streets as she is trapped within the elevator with only her RJ toy held losely by her side and a Yeontan curiously staring up at her.

Her sleep addled body somehow comes to realise she is trapped and so she stops walking the perimeter of her cell, her last step placing her in a corner. Tired as he is, and confused as he will ever be, Yeontan joins her. He moves behind her legs, sheltering himself from the annoying light above as he slumbers in Eunha's shadow.

She continues to stand, legs unwavering, for perhaps an hour before the elevator begins to decend, called to another floor. Even as the ground falls benith her, shaking as it rumbles to it's destination, Eunha does not stirr until the ping bounces around the metal walls and the doors before her grumble open.

She blinks as she looks ahead, straight at a boy who is standing, ready to step inside.

"Hello," she says.

And he responds with the same brief greeting before letting silence foster between them. Then suddenly, to Eunha's surprise, he turns back, leaning into the house and yells, "Hyungs! There is a girl in the elevator".

Footsteps are heard fumbling over each other before they reach the entry room, similar to her soulmate's entry room Eunha notes. After rushing to see, the group of four pause just as their maknae had, shocked to see an unknown girl in the company dorms elevator, especially at this early hour.

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