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as i walked down the hallway, i still couldn't believe how attached i had become to the boy walking beside me. sure, it wasn't like we were attached at the hip or anything like that, but in one short day i had managed to become comfortable enough to sleep in his bed.

this wasn't the normal me. i never did that type of shit.

"where are we having this picnic huh?" i looked up at him as we continued our pace out of the apartment complex. he was wearing an orange hoodie with the word "revenge" on it
with black jeans covered in rips. his hair was in his signature one half ponytail and the other side down.

"you will see, my dear cynthia, but for now, we need food. i didn't brung any." he laughed to himself. i quietly laughed at him; he was quite the character. he noticed my amusement and looked over at me, smiling.

"you look nice, although the sweatshirt and underwear combo was pretty sexy too." i lightly smacked his arm as he laughed at me. my face was practically on fire from embarrassment. deciding to play the "sassy-bitch" game, i quickened my pace so i could walk past him. i heard him quicken his pace behind me, and soon enough i was sprinting down the sidewalk. i heard him yell "shit" behind me as he began to chase me. i was laughing the whole way as i sprinted down about two blocks before jahseh caught up to me. he quickly grabbed me from behind and lifted me up as he continued to run down the block.

"jahseh!" i yelled while still laughing. another block and a half later, he stopped in front of a corner store and placed me down. i stood there and crossed my arms at him.

"that's what you get for running, babe," he stated very matter of fact and lightly tapped my nose. i cracked a smile at him and he did the same.

"come on let's get some food" he stated as he grabbed my hand, leading me into the corner store.

we walked down each aisle, slowly filling up our basket with things ranging from strawberries to hot chips. i grabbed a bag of sweettart ropes and tossed them to jahseh.

"we should probably pay for the shit and go," i stated to him and he said "or not" and grabbed my arm and ran out of the store down the sidewalk we had previously sprinted down.

"now where?" i asked while laughing. i placed my hands on my knees attempting to catch my breath. i had no idea where he had planned for us to have this so-called picnic.

"it's supposed to be a surprise cynthiaaaa" he whined.

"whatever, but you better not waste my fucking time, lil head."

he sucked his teeth, "when have i ever disappointed?" he asked smugly. i could have said a lot of things in response to that, but instead i just shook my head and continued to walk with him to wherever he was leading me.

about 15 minutes later, we arrived at what looked like an abandoned grocery store type building.

"you're not going to murder me in here, are you?" i asked him unamused. i was hoping he was going to be taking me to some sort of park where we could sit in the grass and enjoy the weather. but nooo. he led me to an abandoned grocery store.

"can you just have some faith in me cynthia?" he pouted and dropped his shoulders.

"oh come on you big baby. show me what's so special about this dusty ass store."

he quickly grabbed my hand and led me into the building. it was very dark inside and had a weird odor. he led me across the dark room to a flight of stairs. he was careful as he walked up the steps, holding my hand the entire time. the steps led us up to another floor, but instead of stopping we continued to walk to the steps.

we must have walked up around 100 steps; at least that's what it felt like. we reached what i had assumed was the final step and he turned around and looked down at me, "you ready?"

"to die? yea, but do it quickly." i joked around with him and he laughed at me, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"oh my god i'm not gonna kill you. we are going to have a picnic and you are going to fucking enjoy it,ok?"

"ok sir" i answered. i saw him smirk at my answer and mentally slapped myself for saying that.

he slowly opened the door at the top of the steps and revealed that we were on the roof of the store. i slowly walked forward and looked around; you could see for miles. the city seemed endless from up here. i felt his arms wrap around my waist and his chain lay on my shoulder.

"wow" i breathed. i hadn't expected this at all. i felt his breath on my neck as i stared off into the horizon of the city.

"now i get to brutally murder you." i turned around and slapped his arm lightly as he broke out into a fit of laughter.

"way to ruin the mood, asshole." i rolled my eyes at him.

"thats what you get for running from me earlier." he shrugged his shoulder and began walking over closer to the edge of the roof.

he sat down and began taking put different items of food. i sat down across from him and grabbed my bag of sweettart ropes, quickly opened it up, and stuck one in my mouth. he smirked at me as he opened up the bag of hot fries. i watched him as he looked out past the edge of the building. he looked so calm yet reckless.

i wanted to absorb every second of this moment.

i found myself laying in the roof, my legs stretched across jahseh's lap as he casually fed me strawberries. my arms were outstretched as i stared at the sky and bit into the strawberry jahseh poked my lips with. he would laugh every time he stuck the strawberry on my lips until i finally but into it, the juice occasionally running down from my lips and onto the side of my face. he would reach up and wipe it off my face and smile at me. i was cute gesture that i greatly appreciated, especially from him.

"do you know what time it is?" i asked, not straying my gaze from the clouds lingering above us. the cool breeze blew a few strands of hair across my face and i quickly wiped them off to the side.

"1:05" he answered as he placed his phone back down. he began playing with the rips on my jeans. every now and then i would feel his finger tips graze over my legs as he played with the stray pieces of material. i knew this moment would come and i dreaded it, especially now that it had arrived.

"jahseh, i gotta go." i sighed, sitting up. i pulled my legs into me and wrapped my arms around myself, resting my chin on my knees. he scooted over to me and faced me, sitting cross-legged. he took his finger and traced from the side of my face to my chin and then used his finger tip to lift my chin up so our faces were merely inches apart. i felt his eyes dance across my face and i felt a strong urge to close the gap between us.

"can i kiss you?" he asked quietly.

"yes." i replied, and almost instantly he closed the gap between our lips. the kiss was short but sweet and gentle.

i was left with the taste of strawberries on my lips as we walked out of the store, hand in hand.

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