a new day..!

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  It was a week ago that i was given the shock of my life.
A boy with whom we celebrated our virginity had decided to end it without any warning or fault of mine. He said he was too busy.  to give me time and didnt want to hurt me and it was no fault of mine. We looked like the picture  he was supertall and handsome and a virgin like me too.
    Being a doctor myself i know he isnt lieing about being busy.
We are just in a nameless relationship righ now.
Last night he sent me a beautiful picture of a girl and said she looked like me.
It took me few days to get over him. I took help of family company talking with friends. Roaming outside . Doing errands.
Trying to like other men but without success. But i am better today. Focussing on what i want to do in future.
I think i have been bored living in the same country and same place for so long now i need to explore the world.
   Maybe ill find someone who is perfect like him and loves me. World is big. I have decided i might like to study further in Europe. I have just been able to decide the country yet. I decided Europe because  i have some family there. I have already started preparing for the course i want to do.
   I will take my wattpad family along with me through my lifw in europe. One thing i would like to tell the men reading this. Remembering you have to focus om career after being physical with a girl is the worst thing to do. Trust me a healthy relationship and career can go hand in hand. You just need someone to understand you.

     And the heartbroken in relationship. World is big . People get used to everything.  Keep strong life will go on. And you will be very happy one day. 

I would like to tell you how we lost our virginity. We have been dating for few months and never even came to close to each other.
One night he made me stay at his room at night. And we got drinking and watching Netflix. And we ending up hugging and kissing. And then he removed my top and bra and till i could think his big hands were on my lady lumps and then we did it. It was the most romantic night of my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2020 ⏰

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