Awkward Questions Time!

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Yami: *walks up to Yugi* what are you watching...?

Yugi: The Five Nights at Freddy's 3 trailer.

Yami: *walks away, covering his ears* Nononononononono! Atem already told me about it!

Yugi: Wait, *turns* when were to talking to Atem.

Yami: I don't know, a day or two ago? I'm not good with time.

Me: *walks in* What's up?

Yugi: I'm watching the Five Nights at Freddy's 3 trailer and Yami's freaking out.

Me: Awesome!

Yami: Where were you before....?

Me: It was my mom's Birthday yesterday. I had somewhere to be. Now, we got a bunch of questions today!

Yugi: Hooray...?

Me: Hooray indeed! Now, let's see... First up, from LittleHowler,

                        Yami and Yugi how do you feel when girls have a crush on you?
                        I'm a girl to let u know

Yami: I don't hate it if you're hot.

Yugi: That's rude... It makes me a little uncomfortable, but it feels nice to be liked at the same time.

Me: Very well said, Yugi. Up next, we have a question from AuthorUprising36,

                        Say Yugi, what happened t your parents?

                        And if that's to personal:
                        Was the game shop ever so busy that you had to help your grandfather?

Yugi: I'll answer both, I guess. As for the first one, I'm not exactly sure. I've been living with Grandpa for as long as I can remember. Somebody came in here and proposed that my parents were gods or something.

Me: Oh yeah... That wasn't very long ago either.

Yugi: Secondly, if I'm not already doing something, I'll usually help Gramps out, busy or not.

Me: You really are a nice kid...

Yugi: Thanks...?

Me: Now, popper126 has sent us another question from Atem.

Yami: Eeeeeh...

                                Watch the 5 Nights at Freddy's 3 trailor.


Yugi: I just did...

Me: You guys will have to do it later, when I actually get the chance to see it. And... Our last question, also sent from popper, is from Yusei.

Yugi: Yusei Fudo?

Me: I guess.

Yami: Where are they meeting these people...?

Me: Probably comicon. *badum-crash* Now let's see...

                                I love you Yugi can you go on a date with me and Jack?

Yugi: (O////-////O) ...

Me: Yugi...? You alright...?

Yugi: Remember how I was comlaining about getting no questions in the last chapter...?

Me: Yes.

Yugi: I don't want more questions anymore....

Me: TOO BAD! Answer the question! (:D)

Yugi: I... Guess so...?

Yami: ...

Me: Well you're awfully quite.

Yami: ...

Yugi: Are... You okay, Yami?

Yami: Fine.

Me: Okay, well I guess Yugi is going on a date. Hooray!

Yugi: (>///<)

Hooray! Thank you all for reading! Before I move on, HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY MOM!!! *cough* anyways, send in your qusetions and they shall be answered! You are also allowed to do what popper126 and ask a question as another character from Yugioh, some other character from something not even relevant to Yugioh... Whatever you like!

DJ Elfin; out

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