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Jungkook saw that Jimin leaves the canteen so he was also stand up and running behind Jimin. He saw Jimin fastly walking towards playground he immediately run towards him and grabbed his hands to stop his hyung.

Jimin stopped walking and turn around. He removed his hands from Jungkook's grip and asked "why are you stop me? Huh!! That fucker don't live today what he did. I will....." He is stopped when he look at younger eyes who is verge of crying.

"No h-hyung don't do anything please for m-me. He is strong and p-powerful. I-if something ha-happen to you i-i am not a-able...." He is stopped talking when he feels Jimin hugged him.

Jungkook hugged him back and crying on Jimin's shoulder. After sometimes he calmed down a bit. Jimin held his hand and take him to the terrace. They both sat down on the floor and Jungkook rest his head on Jimin's shoulder.

He hugged younger and rubbed his back to comfort him. "Buttercup don't be sad if that bastard again try to do something then i will....umm i will rip his pant and kick his as..bumbum." Jimin said while slightly laughing.

He try to change his best friend mood and of course he successfully do it.

Jungkook also laughing when Jimin heard his laugh he sighed in relief. "Ohh i remember you want to tell me something. Right? What is it?"

Jungkook eyes went wide when he realised he doesn't said about his marriage yet. So he immediately sat up properly and looked at Jimin.

"Yes hyung its really very important for me." He said while blushing furiously. "Ohh hoo you are blushing buttercup then its really very important i think." Jimin said teasingly while laughing.

"Okh ok just tell me i am very curious to know what is it?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook sighed nervously before speaking "umm...I-I am getting married hyung." He said and closed his eyes not wanting to see Jimin's reaction.

But when he can't hear anything from Jimin he open his eyes and looked at his hyung. Whose eyes are wide and mouth fall down. Jungkook slightly shaking him "WHAT?" He shouted suddenly.

"Hyung just relax, you scared me." Jungkook said. "Oh sorry sorry but what the hell is this buttercup? Why are you marry now? Who is that person and why don't you say me? You love that person you little brat and you don't tell me huh!! When will you married....wait no you can't marry now i am not letting you..."

He is talking but interpret by Jungkook. "Hyung~~slow down pls you bambambering me on your questions i will answer your all questions. Just calm down."

"Ok i am sorry but buttercup...." Jimin asked but interpret again by his do-dong. "Hyung i am married to K-kim Taehyung. He...." Jungkook said but this time he is interfere by his Jimin hyung.

"What!! K-Kim Taehyung....That bitch also don't said anything to me. Huh!! wow i am even present or not. You both love each others or what? What is happening? Hey you clear everything fastly....fast fast." Jimin said.

He ia react like this because he is shock. Well, he know very well about Jungkook's family his background everything but marry to Kim Taehyung he don't understand it. How it is possible??

"Hyung you know Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook asked. "Oh yah....yes i know him. Yoongi hyung work in his company as Taehyung assistant. So i know that brat. Butt that brat also don't say anything to me i am gonna kill him." Jimin said while a cute pout form on his lips.

"Ohh ok.... Now hyung listen to me first i also don't want to marry now but...you know about my dad's company. It was fall rapidly if i don't do this marriage my dad's company will closed forever and i don't want it that's why i am marry to Kim Taehyung. Because his company and my dad's company face the same problem. Our marriage is only the last option to save both the companies. " Jungkook said and smiled sadly.

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