Take me Home

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I just wanted to post something new for my lovely followers! This is an original story, no fanfiction this time! I wrote it about a year ago and somehow forgot to post it here, too... well, now it's done! (better late than never!) Enjoy!


Take me Home

Please. Take me home, Maggie. Take me home. Please, Maggie, take me home. Please...

Jane woke with a start, almost falling out of the hammock she chose for her afternoon nap. She rubbed her bleary eyes and cursed under her breath. That was not how she imagined her holiday in New Zealand, well earned after over a year of hard work at her new job.

The dreams started two days after she arrived at her destination, first it was only blurred images of forests, outlines of people – a man and a woman – strange locations that somehow looked alien and familiar at the same time. She thought she was just processing the many new impressions she got on her travel with the group of tourists through the wilderness, but some days ago, when they arrived at the lodge in the forest area of the northern island, the dreams changed. They got disturbing and unsettling, she woke several times every night either by the common feeling of falling that startles you awake when you dream of it, or by the male voice that urged her – no, Maggie – to take him home.

By now she was bone tired and in desperate need of a good night’s rest, which is why she didn’t join the others of their little group on their afternoon hike but stayed on the patio to catch up with some sleep – unsuccessfully, as it seemed. She groaned and slipped into her heavy hiking boots without tying them and went to the small kitchenette to make some coffee.

The dream she had had that afternoon was different from the others. For the first time she saw detailed images of the persons, it felt like she was the woman – Maggie, the man seemed to be her lover or husband. He was quite tall with dark hair and green eyes. His clothes and hairstyle were oddly outdated, he looked like he belonged to the sixties of the past century. Maggie seemed to have the same strange taste in clothes, wearing a loose fitting khaki blouse and high cut chinos, at least that was what Jane was able to see of her. She had to grin at the thought that these two people strangely reminded her of „Daktari“, the wildlife series she watched with her mom when she was a little kid.

The following night brought dreams in a new quality, they felt more like memories to her and didn’t startle her awake. She dreamt of Maggie and Jack, finally she had a name to the face of the handsome stranger, hiking and exploring the wilderness of an overgrown forest. The scenery changed frequently, it was like watching short episodes of a movie. They were climbing through rocky areas, exploring caves and spotting fish in a pond below a beautiful waterfall. In the morning she was well rested and in a good mood, perfect for the day-long hike the travel guide had planned for the group.

Her mood darkened during the hike, the closer they got to their destination, the feeling of foreboding got stronger and stronger. She let herself fall back to the end of the group and stared gloomily into the forest. She jumped as images of her dream overlayed the actual view of the forest and shook her head fervently when she imagined someone whispering „Maggie...“

The waterfall that was the destination of their walk made Jane swallow increduously. It was not possible, she had never been there before nor could she remember seing pictures of it. Yet, it was undoubtedly the waterfall she dreamt about last night.

Take me HomeWhere stories live. Discover now