Chapter 65: Heart-To-Heart

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I look down sadly, and Michael comes up to me.

"You really think she'd hurt a child?" he asks softly.

I look up at his beautiful eyes, and try to smile.

"I don't know. I'm not sure she could go that low. But, then again, this is Janine we're talking about. She could do anything. Janine MoHickey is actually Invincible.."

I stop myself. That's the precise same thing I said about Rachel after I'd had that bad dream with her in.

But this is real life, right now. Not a dream. But, on saying that, Rachel died after I'd said that, what if Janine does, too?

Hmm, I doubt it. She already got away with hurting Michael, and all the Jax boys.

We gotta keep Ryder safe.

She can hurt me all she wants, but Ryder? No. No chance on Earth. He's my child, and he isn't even alive yet. If Janine wants to get to him, she has to go through me first, and I imagine Michael would protect me as much as possible.

"We need to tell the police about everything, she's struck too many times. She knows how to play, she just doesn't expect to pay. But she will. We're gonna get this court case done. After Ryder's here and we're married, and when the court has enough time. But she will not make it outta this. There are too many witnesses and victims," Michael's going on like a lawyer here, but he's right.

There are so many people that have been hurt by Janine, she can't get away with what she's done.

I let out a yawn, I'm real tired. It's annoying that it's almost night. Couldn't simply be, like, 9:00am, could it? No. And I'm tired.

"Michael, please can you tell the police about Kieran, so we can go? I'm fighting to keep my eyes open here!"

"Sure, baby. I'll go right now," Michael stands up and walks with Kieran to the desk.

Samuel isn't there this time, it's a female, but not Tati, this girl has blonde hair and blue eyes.

After a few minutes of talking, Michael walks back my way, and Kieran walks into a different room with the officer.

"They're taking him to be interviewed," he says.

I nod. "That's good, now can we go home? The Jax boys'll be alright, won't they?"

Michael nods. "They're grown men. I'm sure they can cope."

Michael takes my hand and walks me out the police office. We get in the car and Michael starts to drive. Again, the seatbelt is still annoying me. It still barely fits me.

"I will not make any comment," Michael says calmly, with a hint of amusement in his tone.

I slap his arm, and he turns his head away from the road for a brief second. "Hey!"

"Yes, Michael? Do you have a problem, Sweetheart? I'm just sitting here, minding my own business," I stifle a laugh, and Michael smirks, shaking his head with a chuckle, and coming to the typical conclusion. "Hormones."

We continue driving until we get to the ice cream store.

"Ooh, I wanna have ice cream, please, pretty please, Mikeybeeaarr?" I beg, prolonging his nickname to sound cute and sweet.

Michael chuckles. "I thought you were tired and wanted to get home?"

I pout. "I can't help having cravings at random times. I'm pregnant, remember?"

Michael rolls his eyes and smirks, and stops the car at the side of the road. Not double yellows, before you ask. "Alright, you can have ice cream."

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