Telling Ron and Hermione

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Harry stood next to his father in an abandoned classroom at Hogwarts.

All the teachers where slowly filtering into the room whilst Hermione and Ron where sharing confused glances every other minute as they stood of to the side.

Katie had decided to go back to her dorm because she already knew everything that was going to be revealed and felt that Harry needed to speak to his friends without her.

Throughout the feast Harry knew that his friends eyes had been hot and heavily on him, they had just realised they'd never seen him eat.

It was time they knew.

"If we are going to start this story we should begin at the beginning" Carlisles voice broke him out of his thoughts.

Everyone nodded and hesitantly took a seat as they watched Carlisle pace, all except Harry who seemed as still as a statue and as cold as marble.

"It would be best if no one interrupted" receiving slightly hesitant nods Carlisle started his tale.

"In the 1640s I was born the son to an Anglican priest in London, all the priests at that time hunted Witches, Werewolf's and Vampires. I of course became part of this cause seeing as it was my birth right" no one knew quite what to think of the bitterness and self loathing that was displayed in Carlisle voice as he practically spat out the last few words.

"One day we discovered a coven of vampires, we of course charged at them in an attempt to kill them. Still to this day I do not know what made it attack, maybe he was so hungry he couldn't refuse the delicious meal that was a healthy human. He charged at me and bit me, my father and the rest of the priests chased him of leaving me bleeding on the side of the road. I knew what I had to do, any bodies that where infected where burned at the stake the next day. I crawled as far as I could before burying myself under potatoes. I endured the transformation until it was complete, then I realised the horrifying truth. I had become what I hunted."

Everyone sat in silence for what seemed like an eternity before Hermione turned to Harry, face flushed with realisation.

"And you..."

Instantly every eye was on Harry but he stared stubbornly at the opposite wall "I will also ask that you don't interrupt until I'm done" not taking the time to gauge their reactions Harry ploughed on with his story.

"when I was two years old i was brutally beaten by my uncle and left for dead in the woods. Carlisle and the rest of the family happened to be coming back from a hunting trip at this time. Alice, my sister, has a special gift" turning his head he stared into each persons eyes before continuing.

"she can see into the future, and I don't mean like a seer. They're all pure nonsense. But she can gaze into the future, don't get me wrong the future can always change and there will always be different outcomes depending on someone's decisions but she saw me living with them happily. As a family. Carlisle turned me that night and seeing as I was not bitten before puberty I will age like a normal kid. However, when I reach the age of 17 I will stop ageing completely."

"Your a vampire" Ron said weakly

"Don't get me wrong" Carlisle started "we are the so called vegetarians of our kind, we only drink animal blood"

This seemed to ease Hermione and Ron's worries as they looked Harry dead in the eye and spoke in a perfect eerie Harmony.

"We trust you"

I know that I recently said that I would be posting every 5 days but I've decided to change that to every 7 days.

In all honesty I would love to post more regularly but school has been really tough recently and I'm doing a lot of revision.

The last thing I want to do after a day of stress is to wright more than necessary, I would rather just reread some of my old favourites.

I'm very sorry but this way the chapters will be of a much higher quality.

Please check out my other stories as this is defiantly not my only one.

Hp stories (includes crossovers):

*the eldest black brother
*Reading Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)
*a jealous Sirius is a scary Sirius-complete
*Famous in both worlds-Hiatus
*is there more to the story-complete
*wolfstar apart-complete
*wolfstar discovered-complete
*Harry's Slytherin queen-complete
*The Order finds out about Harmony-complete
*Alula Black (Harry Potter love story)-complete
*reading the eldest black brother
Alula black (Harry Potter love story) one shot-complete

These are all found on my profile.

Please review...

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