rugby accident corey

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Y/N: is at the rugby accident*
C: is playing*
Riz: tackles Corey*
C: owww
Riz: looks at corey*
Y/N: runs over
C: owww
Y/N: starts crying
C: babe
Y/N: yeah
C: I love u
Y/N: shut up *starts crying* ur gonna be ok
C: gets taken to hospital*
Y/N: wtf riz
R: it wasn't my fault
Y/N: how plz tell me
R: he ran towards me
Y/N: walks into Corey hospital room crying*
C: u ok
Y/N: shouldn't I be asking u that *sits on his bed gently* does it hurt
C: yeah
Y/N: let's tear fall*
C: puts arm around her*
Y/N: what did the doctor say
C: got to wear this thing for 3 months
Y/N: at least u get me to be near u 24 hours a day
C: laughs

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