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Jungkook opened the door to their practise room, peeking through the crack before he stuck his head in.

The members were mid Fake Love choreography and didn't notice him, all too focused on their reflections in the mirrored wall or too lost in the music. There was a visible empty spot in the formation where Jungkook should have been.

The youngest slipped the rest of his body in, the heavy door falling shut behind him. Hoseok and Jimin looked in his direction, both dancers expression unreadable for Jungkook, his heart beating loudly in his ears and making it hard for him to concentrate. It was still racing from how fast he had ran through the building, several people giving him weird looks. Maybe it was also being so loud and pumping with adrenaline because of what had happened before that, when he had been riding his bike there.

As his heart slowed down a bit, his heavy breathing calming a little, he recognised both their expressions to be relief. They had probably been worried why their maknae, after telling them in the morning that he would ride his new bike for a bit and join them later at practise, had still not arrived. Jungkook never went back on his words, and he would never be late without a reason either.

Now he stood at the door, breathing heavily and face a bit pale. His cheeks should be much redder than that from the cold outside. Jimin had noticed as much and was about to go and ask what had happened but Hoseok was faster. Although it wasn't worry anymore that made him call the maknae's name as he slowly approached him.

Upon hearing that, the rest of the sweating members turned to the door, greeting him with tired smiles and confusion as to where he had been. He smiled back.

Seokjin playfully rolled his eyes, shouting over the music, "Thought you would finally join us?"

He wasn't angry. Not at all. But the youngest felt bad and his guilty conscience made it sound mocking. He had not seen his hyung's warm eyes, only the smile, which his brain decided to perceive as a sneer. The other's quiet snickering didn't help at all.

Hoseok paused the song and it was suddenly silent, staggered breathing the only noise. Jungkook felt like he was in the spotlight, the eyes of his members and the few staff that was situated at the back of the room on him and only him. He usually didn't mind but that was only the case when he was on stage, the cheering crowd looking at him with admiration and passion and love, boosting his ego and his want to give his all and more, show them all he got and drive them crazy, forgetting his shy self and throwing it away. But that wasn't the case and he wanted to make himself as small as possible and disappear instead.

"Sorry I'm late, I- there was, um..." Jungkook stuttered, wanting to give an explanation but he was still in quite a state and then he saw Hoseok shaking his head, so he went quiet, looking at his hyung with shaky eyes.

"It's okay. Just start warming up and then we continue," he told, patting Jungkook's shoulder soothingly, his previous annoyance with the younger replaced with forgiveness as soon as he had seen his apologetic face, eyes big and posture oddly timid. There was no need for scolding if he was so obviously sorry.

Jungkook quickly did as he was told. He threw his bag to the side and began stretching. As he did, he felt a dull pain in his knee that worsened whenever he bend or stretched his leg.

Jungkook gulped, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of his stomach as he thought back to what had happened and caused him to be late, when he had been pedalling to the company's building, only a few meters away, and a car had suddenly come out of a hidden entrance.

Jungkook could see the driver's face as if it all happened in slow motion yet he couldn't react, couldn't brake, couldn't even yell. He saw that the person inside was not looking in his direction, his eyes turned to the left as they collided.

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