Chapter 1

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Wilburs eyes focus on the wall. Ignoring stubbornly the male in front of him. Letting him talk and talk. Scream. Letting him let his anger out. He doesn't care.
It's not his fault that this village needs a revolution. He is only with his friends the only one who noticed it and decided to do something for the revolution.
These rules they follow are already over hundred years old. Damn old and useless now.
A fist collides with his nose.
Wilbur is already used to it. Not the first time in a while.
"Oh my goodness! Sapnap! You can't just punch him!"
The Texan just shrugs and leaves the room.
"I'm sorry... But if you would talk... They are not that bad- They are just stressi-"
"Oh they are only exiling people and exploding stuff from the person's they dont like."
"I- I'm sorry. I agree with your opinion that a revolution is needed but not in that wa-"
The smiley face man comes in.
"Sorry Dream. I wanted to make sure that he isnt dyi-"
"Out! Now. We never said we are finished with today."
Wilbur pales.
The other man hesitates but walks out shaking slightly his head.
Smiley face turns around and looks at Wilbur. Slowly tilting to one side.
"So... What is now? What about raping? That's what you haven't done yet. Bet the Texan would love to do that."
"Our standards may be low in your eyes but not that low."
A cold laugh escapes Wilbur.
"So? What else?"
"You want me to die because of thirst? Wow. Running out of food, are we?"
"No. Nothing with dying. At least we don't plan it, yet."
"Oh so does something change or do the visits stop? That's what I can live with. Just give me bread and water. I'll be fine and won't bother you."
"Sadly we can't do that. Bad hates it when we don't take care of visitors."
"Oh good thing Im the punching bag and at the same time the lab rat, right?"
This time no answer comes. Just a sigh.
"What way?"
"Hard or nice way?"
"Oh I prefer it the rough way. Wanna know my kinks or do you have a file already?"
"Sure tell me. Can be useful later. Just if you like to top we could have a problem."
"Oh sorry then I'm not really into being under someone."
"That could lead us to a problem... Moving on. What I meant was: you taking that without complaining or with complaining?"
The green bitch, that's what Tommy calls him and Wilbur can't disagree with it, let's a few pills fall onto the desk.
"How stupid do you think I am. Try me!"
A sigh and Wilburs back hits the wall. Or the wall hits his back. His hands are squeezed into the wall from his own body and the other makes sure he can't breathe through his nose. After a few failed attempts he has to open his mouth for air. A slightly bitter liquid is purred into his mouth and he is forced to gulp it down.
"See. Wasn't that hard."
His body crashes with the floor. Within a few seconds his head feels dizzy, slowly his view goes blurry. Then it's black.

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