《audacity 》

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As the night continued, you and Kokichi ate and finished your food bit by bit. At around twelve you both finished completely and you took the plates to the kitchen to be washed later. After putting the plates in the sink, you made your way back to the living room and sat next to Kokichi. A hum passed your lips as you looked at him and thought. Kokichi was completely focused on the TV.

While he wasn't paying attention you took in more of his appearance. Pale, still bruised, bandaged skin. Purple, unwashed hair. And still dirty, probably uncomfortable, clothes. You doubted that it'd get any better once he went home. Maybe if you could convince him, he'd stay the night. For his sake and your satisfaction.

"Hey Kokichi, do you mind staying the night?"

He did a double take with a flushed face.You'd be lying if you said you didn't laugh at his reaction.

"Don't feel pressured to do it if you don't wanna, I just thought it'd be fun to have a sleepover with just the two of us"

The more you spoke the more he seemed to blush, and once again a smile found its way to your face. You continued

"We can even walk to school together, so are you gonna stay?"

He blushed pinker than you ever saw before, you think he reached a new record even. He began to stutter out words

"I...I don't know if I should"

"Awww, why?"

You notice his blush quickly die down as he paled

"I, uh...My parents would get ma-mad if I came home messy"

Your thoughts came out of your mouth before you could stop them.

"Your appearance says otherwise"


Out of all the things you said in your thoughts of course this was the thought that slipped out. You tried your best to quickly recover from what you said.

"Besides you don't have to worry about it, you can use my shower and washing machine"

You tried your best to play it off without sounding too nervous. And much to your surprise it actually seemed to work. Kokichi nodded but his expression was unreadable. It wasn't a loss but it wasn't exactly a win either. After a excruciating few minutes of silence with TV background noise, Kokich began to speak.

"D-Do you mind if I get re-ready to shower n-now"

You noticed his stuttering was coming back, but you choose not to mention it. Hoping that it was just because of embarrassment.

"I don't mind, ill get a towel and clothes for you. My shower is in the hallway to the left"


Kokichi mumbled. You hope you didn't come across as impatient to him...

You gathered a fresh towel and a wash cloth with some of your clothes that might fit him and handed them to him.


"No problem"

You flashed a soft smile, just in case.

While Kokichi was in the bathroom you got ready for bed, skipping your shower this time since Kokichi was already in it. Once you slipped into your night clothes he came out of the shower not long after.

You cupped his face in your hands with a small smile.

"See, much better!"

Kokichi's face flushed a deep shade of pink as he looked away from you. You removed your hands from his face as a bigger smile began to make its way to yours.

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