Chapter 8

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4 months later...


Ricky & Amy (Amy's POV)

"Ricky," I yelled at 2:30 in the morning.

"What?" Ricky asked as he turned on the lights.

"I think it's time. We are having our baby," I told him.

"Are you kidding? Let's go to the hospital," He joyfully said.

"Let's go," I said as I got out of bed.

Ricky grabbed our baby bag. I was so unprepared when I had John so I made sure to be more prepared this time. We called Margaret and Shakur to come over and watch John.

Ricky and I walked into the hospital. We got a room. Ricky promised he would call all of our friends and family to let them know.

My dad, Kathleen, and my mom entered my hospital room. I wanted them all to be here which is why Margaret and Shakur are watching John.

"Thanks for being here," I said.

"Of course," My mom replied.

This delivery is happening much sooner than I expected. I am already 8 centimeters dilated. I am so close.

"Hi Amy," Grace said as she entered my hospital room.

"Hi Grace. Thanks for being here," I responded.

"Of course. You are my step sister," She said.

"Right. I forgot," I responded.

The doctor entered and evaluated me, "It looks like you are ready to push," The doctor said to me. This is all happening extremely fast.

After some pushing and shoving, I gave birth to my beautiful baby girl. I looked at her and I looked at Ricky and all I could think was that she is perfect.

All of our friends and family came in the room to meet her. They were all asking what we were going to name her.

"What do you want to name her, Amy?" Ricky asked.

"I named John. You name her," I responded.

"Ok. How about Emily Lynne Underwood," Ricky suggested.

"Emily is perfect," I replied.

Everyone just sat there and started at her. I feel so lucky to have the best husband and two kids in the world.

I got home from the hospital two days later. I am so tired. I forgot what it was like to have a newborn. It will take some adjustment of course.


Adrian & Omar (Adrian's POV)

"Hey Adrian," Omar said as he entered the condo and sat down at the table across from me.

"Hi. How was work?" I asked.

"Good," Omar replied.

"I can bet," I replied sarcastically.

"Is everything okay?" Omar asked.

"You travel too much," I came out and said.

"Oh," Omar said , "What do you want me to do then?"

"I am just saying it would be nice if you would spent more time with me. I did just move here from California," I explained.

"You know how important my career is to me," Omar replied.

"Am I important?" I questioned.

"Of course," Omar responded.

"I wish I can go with you when I travel but I have school and sorts," I explained.

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