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"No.. I can't give up someone will find me,
Please tell me ill be found h-how many days, months, years has it been- no i can't think like this I-I have to he positive right?..."
She sighs each breath she takes a little of the rubble crumbles around her she takes a breathe and let a out a scream for help hoping to be heard but doesn't hear anything at all,
"I-its no use.. Why do I even bother to do this everyday of my life, fuck I can't even remember my name let alone if a stranger finds me how do I introduce myself.. Hi I can't remember my name causing I've been stuck under here for god knows how long, are hero's even a thing anymore?-" she stops talking  to herself in her head when she feels something holding her Severed legs they may not be Attached to her but she does feel like someone or something is holding her once were legs, she decided to call out stuttering a bit "h-hello is someone there.. I-I believe your holding my legs.. please don't drop them b-but can you help me, im very much stuck under here." She doesn't hear anything for a while till she hears things moving and starts to see light from the window shine into her glass like eyes, she then feels arms wrapping carefully around her and takes her out of the rubble gently as possible, shes carried out of the room and is put down for a second while the figure goes back into the room to get her legs, she moves her head a little to look about before  the person comes back when she hears a raspy voice "how long have you been here dollface ?" Turning her head slowly back to the sound she leans her head to one side thinking.. "I-I don't know... I can't even remember my name or why I was left here.." The figures Crouches down to her lift her head gently to look at him "well then we'll call you "doll" for now till we figure out a better name for that face sweetcheeks, now lets get you to your new home.." She gives a little nods and feels him pick her up after he puts her legs in his backpack and a blanket over her nubs of what was left of her thighs, as he carried her wondered where her new home was why this man found her and why whorls he name her "doll" all these thoughts in her head she looked up at him and went to speak.. "The names Dabi " he winks causing her to blush a little she found him handsome even with his burns, "why d-do you call me doll?" He chuckles and looks down at her for a second before looking back up to keep on walking.
"Its yours pretty face babe.."
After that you got flustered with yourself so you   
Decided you wouldn't speak anymore as you where mostly a hot mess and would be to shy to talk so you feel asleep in his arms the whole time he walked..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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