what adventures await for Circe Calidonius one of the last known descendants of the greatest wizard of all time, Merlin.
Growing up proves to be Circe's hardest challenge in life, Who can she trust, Who will she despise, and who will she grow to lov...
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Circe's eyes shot open, and she gasped as she awoke from her usual nightmare. Her face and pillow were both soaked from her tears. Looking out her window, she could see that it was still dark out, she groaned, not finding it in her voice to formulate words, tears unwillingly fell from her eyes as she tried to wipe them away, unable to stop the surge of emotion.
As the hours slowly went by, she was able to compose herself and get out of bed to start her daily routine, After her family's passing, her mother's sister Athanasia took her in and nurtured her into who she is today, for that, she would be forever grateful.
Her family had passed when she was four, and from what she could remember it wasn't a peaceful passing. Flashes of what happened that night still occur in little fragments of her nightmares. Although they were taken from her at such a young age she still had pieces of them kept far in her memories, stored in the safest of vaults. It was a cool morning, the sun had just risen and the smell of rain was fresh in the air. She missed her family on mornings like these, she missed her mother's warmth and affectionate hugs, she missed her father's smell of rain and toothpaste when he greeted her in the mornings. Most of all she missed her older brother and his cheeky grin when he would snag some of her bacon, bringing laughter to the table. Some of her memories had faded from the years of being apart, but what she couldn't remember would be replaced with tales Athanasia told her of her parents time at Hogwarts.
Softly, Circe opened her door and stepped out of her room, the manor is quiet at this time in the morning, there are no guests or bustling streets outside, only the sound of the quiet pitter-pattering footsteps of house-elves. The afternoons are quite different, often Circe will invite her best friends over to hang out. Her best friends being Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass. According to Athanasia their activities make the house more lively and keep the house-elves happy.
Circe knew her Aunt, her close friends, and quidditch were the things that kept her grounded. Losing people close to her wasn't a foreign concept, she knew what it was like to witness the death of loved ones. Although she knew of loss and death, she still opened her heart to the people around her, cherishing every moment she could with them. She didn't know what exactly she would do If something terrible were to happen to them, but if that time did come, she would burn the world down for them. Walking through the corridors filled with old artifacts and paintings Circe admired each one, from the newly settled dust covering each surface to the small cracks littered on each sculpture. She walked down the staircase to arrive in the dining room for breakfast, Little did she know a big surprise was waiting for her at the dining table, bursting with energy.
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