Chapter 1

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I walked down the halls of the manor to the dining room and drew in a breath while signalling to our house elf, Chichi, to open the doors

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I walked down the halls of the manor to the dining room and drew in a breath while signalling to our house elf, Chichi, to open the doors. Waiting patiently, I went over what I was wearing today: white flats with a plain white long-sleeve shirt and long flowy baby blue pants paired with a golden pendant of the family crest engraved. While smoothing out my necklace, big wooden doors connecting to the dining room slid open with ease. My eyes adjusted to the darkened room, while I could hear excited whispers followed by an urgent shushing noise. "SURPRISE!" Isabella shouts, startling me for a split second as the lights and curtains open, lighting up the room. Looking around I see the Malfoy family sitting near the head of the dining table smiling happily at me. They had gone away on a holiday through europe, it has been about a month since they left. Draco unable to hide his excitement rushed to my side and crushing me in a bone-crushing hug. "I missed you so much" he laughed, I return his hug with the same tenacity as he did "I did too, you little pygmy puff." It's true, If I had to describe Draco as anything in this world he would be a pygmy puff, ever since we met, which has to be when we were six he was gentle but fiesty and as skittish as a small child normally is. "You've grown so much" Narcissa Malfoy hummed smothering me yet again in another bone-crushing hug, "Narcissa" I giggle taking in a breath of her perfume.

Narcissa Malfoy was the perfect image of a high-society wife she had this aura about her, like she was untouchable. She was beautiful and warm, like my mother. Her hair is two-toned which is always perfectly styled, and the clothes she wore were always the latest fashion making her look impeccable and flawless. She was truly beautiful. Her eyes glistened "You look so much like your father" she gushed sadly, Narcissa was best friends with my parents when they attended Hogwarts. She told tales of their adventures and how much of a rule-breaker my mother was and how my father would always try to keep her line.  I smile softly, After all, you don't get compliments from high society wives all the time, unless you're just as socially important "Thank you Narcissa" I beamed. The Malfoys have always been there for me like a second family, Narcissa acting as my second mother, "Circe you're growing up to be a beautiful young lady" Lucius chuckles giving me a quick peck on the cheek.

Lucius Malfoy is a very influential and powerful man. He was tall and broad-shouldered with long platinum blond hair that reached just above his waist. Like Narcissa, he had an aura about him like he was above everyone, always drawing the attention of crowds. His eyes were usually cold and calculating but never in the presence of his beloved Narcissa, with her, he was warm and compassionate. It was clear just by the way he gazed at her that he was enamoured by her mind, body, and soul. He was hers. "Thank you, Lucius!" I say as I squeeze his figure, I wasn't tall for my age so I fit just under his chest. "Now Circe we have received yours and Draco's Hogwarts letters today and we're going to Diagon Alley to get your school supplies" Athanasia beams at the thought as she handed me my letter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

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