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Natasha sat in class as she was listening to Mr. Feeny. She covered her mouth as Cory had to put his nose back on. She rolled her eyes as Minkus got excellent work as usual making Natasha look at Katie. "I shouldn't be surprised that he got a better grade."

"Tasha, you know he's a brown nose." Katie said as Shawn laughed.

She got her paper and smiled as she got an A. "That's the first." She mumbled as Katie looked and was shocked.

"Wow." Katie replies as Shawn took the paper out of Natasha's hand making her glare. Shawn smiled at her grade making her smile.
Natasha sat in her house and sighed. She wondered what Shawn and Katie were up to. Her parents hardly call, but the money still comes in for her. She had days she wished she was never born, but she has Cory, Shawn, and Katie to keep her going.
Couple days later, Natasha was waiting for her results on her IQ test. When Minkus got second, Natasha was shocked. When she heard it was Cory, she was shocked. "What?"

"I'll explain."

"You better."
Natasha smiled as she had the money to go and find her a costume. Katie saw Natasha leaving her trailer and walked over. "Where are you going?" Katie asked.

"To get my costume." Natasha said.

"Can we stop by Cory's so we can see how much trouble he is in?"

The blue haired girl nodded and the two friends headed towards Cory's to see what he put himself in.
The two walked in with Cory and Shawn. She shook her head knowing that Amy knew something was wrong. When they got up to the room, Cory started panicking. "You should have listened to Shawn."

"Oh no." Katie said making them look at her. "Their bringing in the S.E.A."

"Bye." Natasha said as she wanted nothing to do with what is about to happen.
The next day, Shawn saw Natasha and Katie talking. "Are they still going on about the test?" Katie said making Natasha nod. "Cory, just do what you do best on that test."

"Still shouldn't have cheated." Natasha mumbled as she kissed Shawn's cheek. "Coming by tonight."

"Yeah. I promised we would go together." Shawn tells her making her smile.

When another teacher walked in, Natasha knew. "Busted." She mumbled as Cory walked out to speak to Mr. Feeny.
Natasha somehow ended up going with Shawn to Cory's house. When Shawn walked in first, Cory started to shoot him with a toy gun. "Cory!"

"What are you trying to do? Kill me!"

"Kill you. I'll tell you about killed." Cory tells Shawn. "How about what you did to me?"

Natasha stayed back against the door as she watched the two friends fight. She stayed quiet till Shawn walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her. "Cory, do what you do best." She tells him as they left.
Natasha smiled as she was dressed up as a vampire. "Natasha!" She heard making her giggle. "Let's go, baby."

"Okay, Shawn."

"First we need to play a prank on Mr. Feeny." Katie tells her as Natasha laughed.

"This is going to be the best night ever." She says as they left.

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