~Shy S/O~ (Oikawa Tooru)

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A/N: So this is my second chapter and I hope you liked this👉👈.

It's basically you who's Oikawa's shy girlfriend to the point that only the Seijoh volleyball club knows that you two are in a relationship. Grammatical errors ahead!!! Jaa, matta ne✌️
The Great King, Tooru Oikawa, was your boyfriend. You honestly still couldn't help but get flustered over the smallest things he made.

You've been dating for a five months but almost nobody knows about the relationship the two of you had. It's not like the both of you were trying to hide it or anything... it's just that... you were too...shy.

Whenever you came to practices or games, you always stayed behind and you were always covered by Oikawa's fangirls who most likely doesn't know about your relationship.
You do cheer for him, but it wasn't as loud as his fangirls. Your's were more like a whisper. Oikawa thinks it's cute at how shy you are. And your whole face was covered by a blush just by a simple compliment.
The both of you were walking hand in hand. Oikawa just finished practice and was planning to have a short date w/ you. When he looked at you, he chuckled softly at how your cheeks were tinted pink. He was lucky that no fangirls were surrounding him right now. He knows how you would lost the courage to go up to him surrounded by many people.

His grip to your arm was tighten. "You're cute when you're all flustered you know," he admits.
Then, you squeaked when he gave you a peck on your cheeks.
"O-o-o-Oikawa-kun!!" You exclaimed, touching your flushed cheeks.
"It's Tooru, princess." He smirked, flicking your forehead softly. He never failed to make you swoon, especially when he calls you that.

"S-stop it, T-t-tooru-kun." You whispered, looking down. You just got a soft chuckle in reply.
"You're coming to the game tomorrow right?" He asks, a glint of hope in his eyes. "Y-y-yeah, I will." You replied.
"Well that's good." He smiled and your heart skipped a beat. "You better cheer for me okay?" He pouted making you giggle.
"Of course I will." You smiled, giving him a thumbs up then you blushed at your actions.
"Well, hope to hear ya cheer for me." He said, patting your head.
The game was about to start and you were nervous as heck. There were so many people that you look like a small rock behind everyone's figures. Then, you spotted Oikawa but hesitated after seeing him surrounded by fangirls, again.

You sighed but you were already used to it. If only you just have the courage huh? You stopped your thoughts after realizing that the game was about to start.

You took a seat at the back as always but was somehow closer to the chattering and cheering girls. You even overheard some of their conversations, and it didn't make you feel very comfortable...
"You got turned down, didn't you?" A girl asked, patting her friend's back.
"Oikawa said he has a girlfriend already. Though I honestly don't believe it." The other girl sighed.
"Yeah, he's probably faking it." The first girl gave her a reassuring smile. "But don't give up yet! Obviously that girl's a fake!" She exclaimed.

You gulped. They were talking about Oikawa's "girlfriend" (who happened to be you) while you were right at the seat behind them. You fidgeted for a while but was stop after seeing one of Oikawa's monster serves.
It never failed to amaze you and then thousands of cheers were heard (mostly are girls) but one cheer standed out the most:

"GO FOR IT!!!! TOORU-KUNNNN!!!!" You yelled. Then all stares are towards you and you blushed w/ your head down. It was embarassing but you have a smile on your face, feeling proud of yourself.
Oikawa just chuckled. But his heart was beating crazy and he was more confident after hearing you cheer. It was just once in a blue moon after all.
When the game was finally over, you went to greet Oikawa, ignoring the stares of his fangirls.
"A-ano..." You started meekly, fidgeting your thumbs. Oikawa smiled and patted your head.
"You finally cheered for me y/n-chan!!!! I feel so bless!!!" He swooned, spinning around.

He was only stopped by Iwaizumi who threw a ball at him which made you jump. "Oi Trashykawa! Hurry up change before ya flirt!" He yelled.
"Geez Iwa-chan... can't you just spare for a moment?" Oikawa pouted which made you giggle.
"Y-you should go now." You smiled. "A-and I'll try to cheer loudly often!!"
"Ack!! My heart just can't take you
y/n~" He breathed, clutching his chest dramatically.

"U-um, you should go now. Iwaizumi-kun might hit you again." You softly smiled. Then, you were took by surprise when Oikawa kissed your forehead, and in front of many people!!

"See ya later y/n-chan~" he said in a sing-song way and left you there in a blushing mess and dumbfounded.

You softly touch your forehead and gave a slight smile. I think... Maybe PDA ain't so bad, you thought, smiling to yourself. Oh how you loved him is too cute... uwu...
A/n: And that's it! I honestly think Oikawa's too OOC here and gomenasorry for that>/////<!!!!!
Also, I know this one is short and crappy, but hopefully not too bad???

Anyway, that is all minna🤗

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