and i never saw you coming. and i'll never be the same.

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Finn closed his laptop with a snap and groaned, lying down on the couch and rubbing his eyes. Piper had really done a number on him. He could barely focus, let alone write his impending english assignment. Who knew infatuation could be this exhausting?

Straining his neck, he glanced at the clock that sat on the wall opposite. 2:17pm. I should probably start getting ready, he thought to himself, swinging his legs over the couch and finally putting his laptop away. I don't have to look at that for another five hours, he thought happily. And I'm seeing Piper in exactly 13 minutes!

"What's with the lovesick look on your face?"

He jumped at the sound of his sister's voice, turning to see her leaning in the archway that led from the living room to the staircase. "Jesus Alison! Announce yourself next time, you'll give me a heart attack."

"My mission in life." She exclaimed in a joking tone as she walked into the living room and sat in the chair facing opposite him.

Finn didn't look up, continuing to put away his laptop and the school supplies he'd spread out over the coffee table. "Well let me know how that works out for you. Actually, don't. I don't think I wanna know the day I'm gonna die."

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes. "But seriously, why have you been walking around for weeks with that goofy lovesick look on your face?"

"Has it ever occurred to you that it's none of your business?" He sat down again to put on his shoes and shot her a look.

"So you're not denying it, huh? And please, I'm your sister, that automatically makes your business my business. Even if you don't want it to be." She crossed her arms and leaned back in the chair, giving him an expectant look. He just shot her another defiant look and walked over to the kitchen on the other side of the room to fill up his water bottle. She sighed at his silence. "I think there's a girl."

At her words, he turned, his face bright red. "Maybe there's a girl."

"Ha, I knew it! What's her name? Is she from your studio?"

"I really don't want to talk about this anymore." He walked back over to where his dance bag sat on the couch and put his water bottle inside.

"I don't care. Now come on, I need details."

"Fine, fine." He sat down on the couch and faced her. "Her name's Piper, we met three weeks ago when I started taking the bus, because someone ruined my car."

Ignoring the jab directed at her, Alison leaned forward, quirking an eyebrow. "So... that's all I get?"

"She's a dancer too, and she's just..." He shook his head, smiling stupidly. "She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, she's so smart and she's just... the best person I've ever met."

"You're so smitten! I can't believe this. She sounds way too good for you."

"Oh she is." He stood up, grabbing his dance bag. "And speaking of her, I've gotta go get on the bus, where I will see her, so I'll talk to you later."

"Can't get away from me fast enough, eh?"

"You know it!" He waved at her over his shoulder.

"Wait Finn." He turned at his sister's words. "Don't wait too long to ask her out, okay? She sounds great and you obviously really like her so just go for it."

He was a little shocked at the genuine advice from his sister as most of their relationship was throwing friendly jabs at each other. Nodding, he smiled.

"Thanks Ali." He said, before closing the front door and heading towards the bus stop.


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