~Chapter Thirteen: Hospital Wing~

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Ana was quickly rushed to the hospital wing, along with Fred. Kaitland was convinced he was faking his injury so that he wouldn't have to respond to the situation with Angelina, but Fred insisted that he was genuinely in pain.

The rest of the quidditch team followed them to the hospital wing. Oliver looked as though he was about to have a heart attack. He was already crying about the loss to Slytherin. One of his players was already out, and he feared he would also lose Fred, Angelina, and Ana.

"Get out of the way! All of you!" Madam Pomfrey shouted at the students. She was head of the hospital wing. She hated quidditch game days, as the rise in injured students was dramatic.

Most of the students shuffled out of the way, but Kaitland and Taylor helped Ana to her bed, and George helped Fred to his. Madam Pomfrey rolled her eyes before she shooed Taylor and Kaitland away.

"Bloody game is going to kill a student one of these days! We're lucky there are only three of you today." She scoffed. All of the students knew Madam Pomfrey cared deeply for them and their health, but she tended to be mean to them.

"What happened this time?" she asked with a much sweeter tone.

"I got knocked off of my broom." Ana spat out, still angry about the situation. Taylor rolled her eyes again, then glancing at Angelina, who was in the hospital bed next to Fred's. She was fast asleep.

"Guess I knocked her out good." Taylor chuckled, causing concern on Madam Pomfrey's face. Ana and George tried not to laugh, and Kaitland whacked her sister on the shoulder. Fred looked solemn, still wincing in pain.

Madam Pomfrey looked at Angelina's bloody and bruised face, then back to Taylor. She gave her an impressed yet unapproving look.

Madam Pomfrey had tended to all of Ana's wounds, but she would have to lay in bed for a day or so.

Madam Pomfrey then walked to Fred, looking at all of the places he said were hurting. All of them happened to be in the same spots as Ana, but none of his body looked damaged.

"My dear, I can't seem to find anything wrong with you. Are you sure you're hurt?"

"Am I sure? Of course, I'm bloody sure! My leg is killing me." Fred exclaimed. Madam Pomfrey touched his leg where he said he was hurt, and he didn't wince any more than usual.

"I've never seen anything like this before. Try to walk, my boy." Madam Pomfrey said. Kaitland laughed, thinking he was surely lying.

Fred stood up and was able to walk with ease, but he was still in pain. Ana, on the other hand, couldn't walk by herself. Madam Pomfrey looked extremely confused and told him to sit back down on the bed.

Fred glanced to Ana, making concerned eye contact with her for a moment before Ana broke it. Kaitland walked towards her, still laughing about the situation with Fred, which did not amuse him.

Madam Pomfrey ordered that both Ana and Fred stay in the hospital wing overnight just in case. Both of them sighed at the thought of that. Nobody liked the hospital wing beds. They were creaky and uncomfortable and had no privacy.

"Oh, hush up! It's only one night! I could keep you here longer!" Madam Pomfrey stressed, making the students shut up.

That evening, the hospital wing started to clear out. Taylor, Kaitland, and George stayed for hours but left when it was time for them to go back to their dorms. Angelina woke up, and Madam Pomfrey told her to go back to her dorm because her injuries were only minor.

Night came, and Madam Pomfrey retreated to her sleeping quarters, leaving Ana and Fred in the hospital wing. The lights were off, and the room was silent. Ana assumed Fred was asleep, but she couldn't fall asleep, so she sat in her thoughts.

She thought about how much she enjoyed playing quidditch. She always hated it at Illvermorny, but Hogwarts was different. The majority of the students were excited to see her play, and she felt like she belonged. She was extremely competitive, which wasn't quite as encouraged at Illvermorny. She knew she was just filling in for one game, but a small part of her wished she could be on the team for the rest of the season.

Ana's thoughts were interrupted by rustling coming from Fred.

"Anastasia?" Fred whispered. Ana lifted herself, squinting her eyes, but she couldn't see him through the dark. "You awake?"

"Yeah, can't sleep," she answered.

"Me neither," Fred added. They sat in silence for a moment, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was precisely what both of them needed. "Ana?"


"What do you think is wrong with me?" he asked. Ana wished she could see the expression on his face.

"There is a lot wrong with you, Fred." Ana joked. Fred let out a quiet laugh.

"Seriously, though? Why am I feeling pain like this? You believe me, right?" he asked again. Ana took a moment to answer. She knew he wasn't lying, but she didn't know what to say to bring comfort to him. She tried to figure out why he was in pain, but nothing was adding up.

"I dunno why... I believe you, though," she answered, again wishing she could see his face.

They both sighed and tried to get to sleep again, but Fred rustled around again.

"Lumos," Fred whispered. A light shone from the tip of his wand.

"What are you doing?" Ana shouted quietly, trying not to wake Madam Pomfrey.

"I'm sorry about Angelina. I'll talk to her." he pointed his wand at her so that he could see her face.

"Thanks," Ana said, squinting her eyes from the light.

"Taylor shouldn't have hit her, though," he added.

"Honestly, Fred, that may be true, but if Taylor weren't the one beating her up, it would've been me," Ana said honestly.

"I know, I don't blame you, but please talk to her? I'll talk to Angelina too. I just don't want things to be tense." Fred responded. Ana nodded. She would talk to Taylor, but she knew tension between her and Angelina would not go away.

"Nox," Fred whispered again, and the light went away. Fred and Ana both got comfortable in their beds, and right when Ana thought she was about to fall asleep, Fred spoke up again.

"Goodnight, Caulderwood."

"Night, Fred."

Ana smiled and fell asleep quickly. That night was the best night sleep she had since she got at Hogwarts. She felt warm, comfortable, and protected. This came as a shock to her since the hospital beds were notorious for being the school's worst beds.

Waking up, she knew she had to talk to Taylor. She would do it for Fred and Fred only. Angelina meant nothing to her. She was thankful that Fred was so willing to fix everything. She knew how hard it would be for him to talk to her.

Ana was just thankful she had to talk to Taylor, not Angelina.

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