Chapter 12

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The trip to Los Angeles, which normally could be done in a single day by two drivers, had taken almost three days. Both Bella and Lloyd were tired, smelly, and extremely on edge. Two hours ago they had spent five minutes screaming at each other about whether or not Lloyd's bag should be on the front seat or not. He had argued that he couldn't just reach around in behind the seat to get it, but Bella was adamant that she needed the space for a map, since she didn't know L.A. very well.

The last hour had been spent in an uncomfortable silence, broken only by the sound of light rock music, the only station that they had been able to agree on during their previous argument. Lloyd glowered across the cab at Bella with undisguised malice. He was in pain and tired of driving, and had thrown an absolute fit when Bella had refused to take a full day's break from driving in a motel.

Lloyd had suggested they stop for a full day, resting and getting their strength back. But despite the fact that Bella trusted Lloyd, she simply couldn't afford the motel room. Lloyd had stressed that as soon as they got to L.A. he would be able to get more cash, but Bella didn't have much for available funds. The cost of gas alone driving the tow truck this far had put her well into her overdraft. The motel would have broken the bank, they would have had to go the rest of the trip without food, and she simply wasn't willing to make the attempt.

So Lloyd had remained folded awkwardly in the cab, one leg on the ground and the other angled across the seat in what was obviously a painful and uncomfortable pose. He also had to sit twisted slightly sideways to accommodate his broken arm. Bella sympathised with his pain, but right now she just wanted this whole trip to be over.

A road sign flashed past, Los Angeles 10 miles. Even though Bella knew they would be spending a lot of time navigating through the city it was still a big relief. She decided to make another attempt at lightening the mood. "Hey, we're almost there. Where do you want to head first?"

Lloyd scowled a bit and said, "Humph. I'm not sure, really. I'd tell you an address, but my bag is behind the seat," he flashed a quick glance over his shoulder and continued, "so I guess we'll have to stop. I'm gettin' hungry, too."

"All right," Bella replied, "then we'll stop and get some food. What do you feel like?"

"Mexican," Lloyd said with authority. The word hammered out like a nail being driven home. Bella could tell that after losing the last few battles he had decided this was one thing he wasn't going to budge on. Bella had never really liked Mexican food much, too spicy, but it seemed like the last twenty four hours had been one struggle after another. She was too tired to even make another suggestion.

As soon as they hit the city limits Bella began scanning the road side for a suitable restaurant. Just ahead she saw a Sharky's Woodfired Mexican Grill and she pulled in. Lloyd slowly worked his way out of the truck. Bella considered helping him, but Lloyd's groaning, cussing, and sharp intakes of breath were a clear sign that read, "Stay the hell away."

They walked into the restaurant in silence and sat near the window. Lloyd pulled a second chair over next to himself and spent a few minutes getting comfortable. He then reached over and took both sets of silverware from the middle of the table and unwrapped one from its napkin. He took the butter knife and began using it to poke and prod at the edges of the cast on his leg. He worked it around a bit, scratching at the itches that lurked in the darkness underneath. Bella could tell that he hadn't finished picking fights yet. He could have asked the waitress for an extra set of silverware, but instead he had grabbed both sets of silverware from the table and was planning on using one of them for scratching and one for eating. Bella wasn't going to let him bait her any more, now that they were so close to their destination her mood had already lightened considerably. She waited for the waitress to come by and asked for an extra set of silverware.

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