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"And done." Said a dark low voice to himself. The owner of the voice was standing above a corpse of a woman with blood staning the woman's clothes.

"Anna Linderson, died 23.4.2016, death cause hallucinations witch lead to suicide." The man said to himself as he opened up a black circle portal and went trough it.

"Have fun in hell." The man said just before dissapearing completly. Anna Linderson was a 24 years old woman that had done a great sin. She and her husband had a healthy baby child and everything seemed normal. However, the young mother wasn't ready for a child, and one night while her husband was sleeping, Anna couldn't bear hearing the baby cry anymore and stuffed a pillow in the baby's face, suffocating the young child. After killing the child, she placed the baby close to the sleeping husband, making the husband think that he had killed his child on accident by rolling over the baby. The husband was put in jail for child murder and still lives in grieve and regret, thinking that he killed his beloved baby. Not long after the husband went to jail, the woman started seeing hallucinations about her dead child and grieving husband in jail. The hallucinations got to her and she commented suicide out of regret.

Now that Anna Linderson's soul has been reaped, Sans, or as many others know Death, was basicly free for the rest of the day. Well, he still had work to do, but that Anna was a complete mood killer and Death was too lazy to do anymore work. So what does Death do when bored? Goes to meet Life of course!

"Sup Tori?" Death said, appearing out of nowhere in front of Life, or also known as queen Toriel.

"Sans, you scared me!" Life said with a gentle tone, suprised but happy of Death's sudden visit. 

"Sorry Tori, I didn't mean to scare you to DEATH." Death said, making Life giggle because of the terrible pun. Some may wonder, how two excatly opposites became close friends like this? Well, it all started decades ago.

The actual god of death didn't want to do all the work himself, so he needed to create a "son" to help him with his work. Creating a child, especially out of black magic was illegal among gods, but did the god of death care? No. So he created a child to do all his work. At first the child was unwilling. The small child didn't want to hurt or kill anyone, no matter what. The child was......innocent. Kinda ironic, right? And because the god of death couldn't have a innocent child like that do all his work, he created hallucinations with his power. He made the child of pure chaos and destruction see hallucinations about suffering humans and monster that the child had to kill to free them of the pain. The child did that for hours and hours, tears falling out of his black eyes until there were no tears to set anymore. After days and days of this torture, the child was finally let free of the hallucinations, and that's when he started his work. He realized that no matter what he would do, he would still be a monster. Just a beast that could only bring chaos and pain to others.

No matter where he went, no matter what he touched, it would die. Everything living would die just by one small touch. It didn't matter if it was grass, wood, plants or humans. Even some gods wouldn't survive his touch. He was lonely. And after countless killings, he got an death scythe. It was purely made of souls that he has reaped. Souls that didn't have any place in heaven or hell. The lost souls. 

*Lost souls will be explained better during the story later on

Death's scythe is long and has dead flowers in the handle. The blade is grey-ish and has small amount of rust. It is heavy, but Death learned to use it without problem over time. Now he was basically unstopable. Well, he already was kind of unstopable, but now even more so. And then he got long black wings! Death was experiencing with his black magic that allowed him to make portals and cursed his touch. He thought that if he was able to get some black magic out of his body, maybe he would be able to touch living things! Well, it didn't work out. It only made him more powerful and the only good thing it did was that his precence would be easier to hide now. His magic created big long wings on his back, so big that he couldn't even be in a simple classroom with them open without breaking anything. So he learned to hide them. Now that he was so powerful, he didn't have to worry other gods trying to stop him from doing his job.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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