Chapter 01

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If she had known that leaving Videl alone that day in that condition would make her stand still like this she would have never left Videl.

If she knew stopping her father would make her world stop, she would have forced Videl to come back home with them. If only she knew the one soft side, she had kept for her family would make her pressed against the hard chest she would have harden her nature even more.

Yet, here she was engulfed in the arms of the man she barely met few moments ago, who rubbed her off and irked her making her senses tingle.

Yet his lips on her seemed the most natural thing in the world, yet, even if she wanted to push him away, she could not, not until she heard a small, just a tiny bit of gasp not from her or the man but someone else, giving her senses back.

"What the hell are you doing?" Adero pushes the mountain of a man away from her.

"Oops, I slipped" Tyson grins making her raise her hand to slap him but stops as he wipes his lips with the back of his hand reminding her where exactly he slipped in.

"If this is how you treated my sister" Adero warns glaring at the man.

"Red? No way, Nicholson would have killed me...not that I even thought of it. She is literally like a sister; I mean she will be legally my sister once she marries Nicholson or I you" he points out making her narrow her eyes.

"I have more important things to do than deal with you" she grumbles before walking away from her, searching for the one who saw them.


Adero rushes to check who saw them as she did have an inkling but as she turns around the corner, she finds Default along with Eric beside their car, so she pauses wondering if she should ask one of them but thinking better of it, she calls for Eric.

"Eric" she calls, and both stop to turn around.

"I wanted to ask, if you have found the antidote why did you not use it to help you and your mate?" Adero asks and both Default along with Eric glances at each other before smiling and walking away silently leaving a frowning Adero alone.

She wanted to know if one of them saw her kissing that man but she could not so she will have to be quiet and stay away from that irritating man.

"One of us is enough sacrifice" she mumbles under her breath before turning around to check on her father and sister as they have had enough drama.


"Dad" Adero speaks as she steps forward and both Devilin along with Videl turns to face them.

"I will like to stay with Videl until the wedding" Adero requests and Devilin stares at his daughter silently.

"Yay" Videl grins as she claps her hand in excitement before she runs towards Adero to hug her, but her eyes stay at her father, while both stand still silently as if trying to know what was on going in their minds.

"Just don't do something Videl did" Dare speaks appearing in front of Adero, breaking her gaze from her father making her wonder if it was him who was there but Dare was not one of the gasping types, so she just glares at him.

"Shut up Dare" she warns and Videl turns to face her brother to hug him only for Dare to disappear out of her reach.

"Ugh" Videl groans in annoyance as she tries to catch her brother who keeps teasing her appearing in front of her one second before turning into smoke.

"No, no" Videl stomps her feet in anger not being able to catch him before she gives up and turns to walk away only to stop as he appears in front of her with a smile making her grin.

Adero and Tyson {Short Story}Where stories live. Discover now