Just A Weak Brat

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A/N Ok so I just got this idea as a quick little story thing here, I'm going to base from the game play of omega ruby as in what I have played from because that's the one I picked. I'll use the pokemon I have for it, but if you want to you can change the pokemon and the player look and stuff, but I'll write like that for now and reader is female her, but you can change that to male as well if you want. That's just how I thought it out since I used the female character for the game ok lets start this story now. Since the player character in pokemon is already made I will write it like that but you can change in your mind if you want to.

Courtney's POV

I sat down in the HQ of team Magma as myself and the other admins listened to him talk about his plans, to steal the next part of the puzzle to awaken the legendary pokemon groudon.

I snapped out of thought to myself when Maxie and the others looked over at me. "We need you to obtain the mega stone of Latios, Can you do that Courtney? That promising trainer maybe there, we never know but we do know that she's quite strong and not to be under estimated from what I observed from our quick battle at Mt. Chimney." Maxie announced, before pacing the room and relaying the rest of his orders to the others on what they were supposed to do.

I leant against the wall while Maxie ordered all the grunts around into teams for everyone's assignments, everyone scurring about the HQ until it was almost empty, a single grunt left standing in front of me. Honestly I don't need help, especially not from a grunt like that, they're all weaklings with very few pokemon that are all weak.

"Are we ready to go to southern island then Mmiss Courtney?" He stuttered. "Yes I was just waiting for my pokemon for today, and the transport there of course." I glared at him, before walking off and out of the HQ using surf to exit the cave and get outside. The grunt slowly following me as we got outside and I sent out a flying type pokemon, using the move fly to jet off to the south, down to southern island.

About 20 minutes later we both arrived at southern island and hopped off the bird pokemon we had flown here on before I returned it back to it's pokeball and placed it into one of the pockets of my coat.

I paused to survey the place before strolling across the beautiful, secluded island that had so much green growing on it from the many different plants and pokemon living on the island and in the surrounding deep, blue sea which seemed a dark blue colour in comparison to the stream that seemed to run around some of the island.

After walking through a dark opening between a load of tree, I saw a lovely little secret space, the calm stream running around a small piece of land, many different waterfalls falling down from the cliff on the other side that blocked out most of the light except on the small piece of island in the middle that was lit up, like a spotlight was shining down on it.

My eyes widened when I realised that two people were already here and talking to Latios. The legendary pokemon seemed friendly to the two, a white haired male although it seemed more blue shaded like his eyes.

He was dressed in a black suit with a red cravat or what ever it's called, certainly not a tie and a purple waistcoat underneath the black blazer. He had many rings arranged on his fingers and black pants that trailed all the way down his legs almost covering the purple leather looking shoes.

I knew this guy it was Steven Stone, a usual nuisance to team magma, but the other figure wasn't familiar though I had heard about someone that looked like this. That mysterious brat trainer that kept trying to foil our plans.

This other figure was that of a female, her light brown hair tied up slightly by a red and white striped headband, her eyes a smoky grey that showed her determination like she was always ready for a battle.

Not A Robot - Reader x Magma Admin CourtneyWhere stories live. Discover now