Twitter fic part 7

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spider-man @OfficialSpidey ✔

Don't mind Deadpool,he's just weird.

baldi @roleplayer

I still can't believe spider-man is a fricking teenager!

90's freak @CaptainAmerica ✔

Well I can't believe Stark brought a 15 yr old to a fight!

spider-man @OfficialSpidey ✔

hey I'm 16!

Iron dad @TonyStark ✔

Stfu Rogers you did the same thing with Wanda and she's the same age as Peter.I also kept her there because bloody Ross wanted to experiment on her!!!

90's freak @CaptainAmerica ✔

Why didn't you tell her that?

Witchy @ScarletWitch ✔

He did it because when scared my powers lead to serious casualties, like sokovia when I destroyed the rest of the Ultron bots when _____  died...

Bl ack Widow @BlackWidow ✔

Why don't you have this conversation on the group chat.




Terrence @yoloPolo

the avengers have a group chat?

dandelion @iluvdandelions

duh,they're people too y'know?

Flashy @whydmyparentsnamemethis ✔

Venom is literally scaring the shit out of Brad.

Your Mom named you this @MrThompson ✔

Why is Venom with you.

I named you this @MsThompson ✔

And most importantly,who's Brad? 😏

Flashy @whydmyparentsnamemethis ✔

Mother,did you use an emoji and Brad is my best friend.

I named you this @MsThompson ✔

It's okay to be gay.

Flashy @whydmyparentsnamemethis ✔

Wtf,I'm bi not gay.

spider-man @OfficialSpidey ✔

Same!hold on....

Bi-der man @OfficialSpidey ✔

get it, Bi - der man cuz I'm bi 

Flashy @whydmyparentsnamemethis ✔

Nice. (You're still a bitch tho)


Bi-der man @OfficialSpidey ✔


90's freak @CaptainAmerica ✔


coolbeans @coolbeans

idk what's going on but this is definetely turning into a meme!

Bi-der man @OfficialSpidey ✔



Deadpool @Deadpool ✔

co-ordinates (1234,5678,9100) It seems like they're tricking us.

Deadpool @Deadpool ✔


Bi-der man @OfficialSpidey ✔

stop with your weird texts dp.

90's freak @CaptainAmerica ✔

Kid,I don't think you should me talking to a highly skilled assasin like that.

Bi-der man @OfficialSpidey ✔

Wait what? Assasin,He told me he was a delivery man!!! So i've been directing his targers right to him!!!

Deadpool @Deadpool ✔

Heyyyyyyyyyy, Ross could you tell your troops not to get me since i'm in assnsjms sk sm situationnnnnjj righhhhhhhjtjoo nooooooooowowo


General Ross @SecretaryofState ✔

How the bloody hell are you still alive,A bullet went through your head.

General Ross @SecretaryofState ✔

Hi guys! I just knocked out Ross (big favour) so ima head out now byeeeeeeeee!

Sorry that this is short but my favourite series by Schayisgay got copyrighted so i'm feeling a bit down!


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