Chapter 2- The Search

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Orange rays of sun bathed the city through the thick smoke that surrounded it, the air purificators huffed and puffed through every street and with the rise of the sun, the citizens rose as well. Today Kirishima had a hurt soul but he had a motive to be out of bed.

Katsuki busted the door of the police office and strode over to the officer at the front desk. He asked for permission to collect the tapes and the guy got up to get the tape from a back room, he pointed at a door down the hall and said:

"Watch them there, you cannot take them out of the prestinct." and got back to looking at his computer.

Katsuki didn't say another word and walked to the door. Once inside the room they found a single computer surrounded by a mess of papers, the room was cramped and there were papers everywhere.

"This place is a fucking mess..." he hissed walking over the papers and documents on the floor to get to the computer.

Eijiro tried to not step on anything but it was an impossible task. He stood beside Katsuki and watched as the blond pushed the tape in a small slit of the computer and it started reading it. Inside the uncomfortable silence, he found himself staring at the blond, his face lightly covered in a shade of bue light, his brows furrowed slightly and his red eyes piercing the computer screen. His face was nice, nice in a way that he could've been a model, his skin looked soft and his cheekbones came out just enough to give him some sort of fierce personality; it was perfect for him.

"Got a problem?" the blond suddenly turned to him, his gaze getting harder, piercing.

"N-no it's just..." he turned away and looked at the screen, the still image of a man entering the workshop had loaded, "Could that be the one?" his attention focused completely on the figure, forgetting what had been going through his mind before.

Katsuki tapped the play button and the video played. The dark figure made its way into the building after looking around themselves, making sure nobody was around. What happened after that only lasted around ten minutes and then they walked out through the same door, and for a split second, their face was shown to the camera.

"Can you zoom in?" Kirishima asked, squinting at the screen.

Katsuki rolled his eyes "Of course." but who was the red head to be telling him what to do? He is the detective here.

When the image was zoomed in, Kirishima frowned hard, his eyes stuck to the criminal's face.

"Rings a bell?" Katsuki said, stepping back and crossing his arms.

"...I feel like I've seen them before but I can't recall their name." technology these days was good, but the quality of this camera was truly a disappointment, "We should go back to my place, I keep a record of my customers, maybe reading the names will make me remember?" he straightened up and turned to look at Katsuki.

The blond inhaled deeply and sighed, "You're seriously gonna waste my time like that?" he took out the tape without breaking eye contact, "Fine, but you better jog your memory real good." his brows were almost knit together.

Kirishima nodded hard, "I'll do my best!" and smiled, because for a moment he could get a breather and forget that his best friend was gone.


Once back at the workshop he made a bee line to the table where he kept his book, stained with oil and chemicals. He flipped through the pages and ended up at a long list with names. His index finger slid down through every name, he read them in his mind, biting his lowed lip; the outcome of this would heavily influence the outcome of this investigation.

The person in the video had a tall figure, their clothes were baggy and dark, yet a red piece of clothing slipped out from the chest of the coat and underneath it. Due to their dark clothes and the quality of the camera, the hair of the person was mixed in with the black of the night, but Eijiro could swear the person was long haired.

"Wait a moment..." he stopped himself mid list, "Could it be...?" he stared at a name in his list then looked up at Katsuki with a worried look.

"What is it?" he asked looking up from an artifact he was looking at.

"Have you heard of Yaomomo?" he left the book ontop of a table and scratched the back of his head, his brain working hard inside his head.

"The singer?" Katsuki pocketed his hands, nodding "You think it's her?"

"I might be wrong," and he wished he was "but the red in their clothes and the long black hair... It might be her." he looked at the blond, looking for a negative answer.

"Not bad." he nodded and went through the door.


'Not bad' as in he didn't take long to remember? Or as in he knew since he saw the video but was testing if he could tell? But then why would he come here and waste time with Eijiro?

Whatever, if he kept thinking about it he was gonna be left behind by the detective.

Holding a meeting with The Great Yaomomo during the day was going to be hard, she only appeared at her show in the night, as if she was a vampire and couldn't walk around during the day. Despite that, Katsuki didn't stop working, but without Kirishima.

With a hand to his chest, Kirishima asked "W-what?" he arched his brows at the blond, "I thought you said-"

"Yeah but this part is exclusively detective work, if you stick your stupid nose in, you will definitely slow me down, so go find something else to do and meet me at The Might at night." he turned on his heels and walked downstreet.

"Time?!" he barely had time to ask before the blond had disappeared.

"Nine!" Katsuki shot back, before turning on the street.

What could he possibly be going to do now? How could Eijiro even slow him down? He only wanted to help... Whatever.

The Might, the most popular place in the city. The place itself was marvelous, but the shine that the celebrities brought to the place was the cherry on top. Yaomomo was one of those celebrities, she performed there every day. People loved her, even if she was an android.

Yeah, androids weren't really liked by a lot of citizens because of them taking jobs and all, but Yaomomo's beauty and vocals had swayed her listener's hearts so she had very little haters in comparison to other androids. In fact, she was part of the small new group of androids by the Endeavor agency that were made to look extremely human, it was kind of a scary thought that you could be talking to an android thinking it was a human and never know. But due to complaints he made a small give away; these androids would have a small glowing symbol at their spines. Yaomomo frequently wore dressed that showed this small symbol at her back, it was beautiful, nobody denied that.

Now, sitting at The Might, he saw the overwhelming beauty of the singer, her voice was like a lullaby that soothed his body. He had been working all day to keep his mind off his problems and now he felt relaxed, at peace-

"When this song ends, follow me." Katsuki said after slapping a hand over his shoulder and snapping him out of his thoughts.

"O-kay" Kirishima said turning to him with wide eyes.

Katsuki hadn't bothered with his attire, he had the same clothes he had this morning, Kirishima had at least put on a simple tuxedo he had since he graduated. It was kind of tight on him now but it worked.

The detective sat down beside him and sighed a little. Kirishima could feel the heavy tiredness on him.

"Want something to drink?" he asked, looking at the man.

"No, I don't drink." he turned his gaze to the singer.

Kirishima nodded and took his drink to his lips, 'That's fine,' he thought 'but he could still have a glass of water.'

And once Yaomomo disappeared through the curtains, waving the crowd goodbye, Katsuki and Kirishima got up from their seats and went backstage.

"It's go time." Kirishima told himself, going through the door.

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