22. "ꜱʜᴇ'ꜱ ꜱᴛɪʟʟ ʜᴇʀᴇ."

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It was early in the morning, perhaps a little after six or seven, when a ringing phone broke the tranquil silence in Iwaizumi's apartment.

Oikawa awoke due to the noise, but Iwaizumi remained still. Soft snores could be heard from the male.

The brunette blinked groggily a few times, exhausted after getting only a couple of hours of sleep. He frowned at the ringtone and decided to ignore it. It must have been an alarm that one of them forgot to turn off. He nestled back in and pulled the comforter over his head.

The ringing continued.

He cracked one eye open, grumbling. Stupid alarm. He ripped the blanket off of himself and sat up, but a heavy weight around his torso clung on to him.

He glanced down and his lips turned upwards a bit, seeing Iwaizumi's arm wrapped around his body. Gently, he pulled it off and left the warmth of the bed.

Shuffling his feet, Oikawa felt like a zombie. After their talk last night, they stayed up for another hour to watch a movie. It was only halfway through when he begged Iwaizumi to turn off the blasted dinosaur movie and to go to bed with him.

Iwaizumi agreed somewhat begrudgingly, and together, they fell asleep in the other's arms, and he wished he could've stayed longer. Oikawa huffed, annoyed. Whoever's phone was ringing, it had better be important.

He eventually found the culprit in the living room. A phone sat on the couch, ringing and vibrating and interrupting Oikawa's peaceful morning.

Throwing himself over the top of the couch, he quieted his fall by catching himself with his arms. He snatched the phone—his phone—and stared at the screen.

Mr. Mori's number stared back.

At first, he didn't recognize it due to his tiredness, but the last four digits snapped him out of it. As a child, he thought it was the coolest thing that Mr. Mori's phone number ended in his birthdate. It was the only thing about that Mr. Mori never changed, even though the male was basically another person by the time Oikawa reached his preteens.

He had never saved the Mori's phone numbers. Maybe once, but it was quickly deleted after one of Mrs. Mori's beatings. As he continued to stare at the phone number, he felt a pit in his stomach. He reached with his thumb to hit decline, but a nagging voice stopped him.

Didn't you want your family back?

He grimaced. Answering a parent's call was something that most families did.

Just answer, Tooru.

He sucked in a breath and tapped the accept button. Holding his breath, he put the phone up to his ear and waited.


He glanced at the screen and saw that Mr. Mori had stopped calling. He must have accepted it too late.

Oikawa called the male back. The latter picked up on the first ring.


"Tooru," greeted a sad voice.

"Mr. Mori," he greeted back. It was weird to hear his adoptive father's voice so heavy. "Sorry, I took a while to answer. I was still sleeping—"

"Tooru, you need to get here. Now."

He sighed. So early in the morning, and the older male was already ordering him around. "I'm at Iwaizumi's. What's wrong?"

"I sent a driver already. He should be there in a few minutes. Get ready."

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