A new friend

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 . Backstory Clint wants peter to meet his family. Talked everything out like adults. Who is infinity war and endgame never heard of them.

mr I'm sleep deprived as I write this pov

"Kid we have to go right now."

"Give me 5 seconds just have to do a few things," Peter replies.

"You said that 5 minutes and a few things ago," Tony argue back

---5 seconds and a few things latter---

"Okay peter stop siting on the jet's celling."

--A skip to you from me bullying people--

Peter and Tony walk out of the jet to go meet the Barton's. Peter was jumping with exactment. This might came as a surprise but doe eyed, cute, nerdy that the whole fandom adores Peter did not have many friends, but many enemies. So he thought maybe he could finally get a friend out of the oldest Barton kids.

They knock on the front door of the house. 

"Pete Stark hi come in," Clint says greeting them. "Let me introduce you Peter to everyone."

Peter see's a toddler in his mom's arms Clint's. A boy probably a year or two younger then him then a girl probably the same age as him. He figures out soon enough the toddler is Nate and the mom is Laura. The other boy is Cooper and the girl is Lila.

"So Peter do you play any sports or extra curriculars?" Laura ask.

"I'm on the decathlon team not to found of sports."

"So you don't just like go to football games or softball games," Cooper ask but also states. Petey pie shakes his head no. "I thought being Spiderman would mean you played a lot of sports and stuff.

"I'm more for academics and solving problems then yelling at someone to give me a ball."

"That's very nice peter want to play a game with us," Lila ask.

A day of bonding went. With peter showing Nate his web shooters and playing games

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