11) A Christmas Party: Part 1

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"Wakey wakey, princess..." 

"Hmmh?" I mumbled, still half asleep.

I lazily opened my eyes and let out a yawn, gradually becoming aware of my surroundings again. I immediately recognized the interior of Sierra's car and vaguely remembered what had happened earlier this evening. The last thing I recalled was leaning my head on Alex's shoulder and as my cheeks flushed a bright pink, I realised I must've fallen asleep like that. 

Glancing to the side, I noticed an arm was wrapped around me, holding me tight. Apparently Alex had moved me to lie on his chest, which was surprisingly comfortable and I was grateful to him for letting me sleep. Though I was slightly embarrassed, judging by the ever-increasing glow on my cheeks, I had to admit I felt oddly safe here and actually enjoyed the feeling of his arms around me. With a satisfied grin, I subtly snuggled deeper in his embrace, stretching this moment for as long as I could.

Closing my eyes again, I discovered that the occasional rising and falling of Alex's chest had a rather soothing effect on me and I finally understood why I had dozed off so easily. The sound of his breath made me sleepy and the fact that he was so warm and... well... soft, helped a lot too.
Wait- what was that? Did I just-

"Slept well?" Alex smirked, interrupting my inner conversation.

As I slowly lifted my head, I was met by his soft gaze. He had an almost endearing expression on his face and for a split second, I lost my ability to speak.

"Y... Yeah..." I replied, still a bit groggy.

Alex chuckled and threw a look out the window.

"We're almost there", he stated, his eyes finding mine again.

I considered asking him what he thought about the whole 'me sleeping on his chest' thing but eventually decided to let it go. He didn't seem to be bothered by it and the last thing I wanted to do, was to make this awkward. So instead, I simply nodded and settled on the seat next to him, pretending nothing had happened.

Alex soon got distracted by his phone and with nothing else to do, I made a game out of following the snowflakes trailing down the window, counting how many of them reached the bottom.

"We're here!" Sierra announced after a while.

As her door swung open, a gust of cold air filled the car. Dreading the freezing weather, I reluctantly took off my seatbelt and forced myself to step outside. The snow crunched under my feet, leaving a trail of footsteps as I walked up to Sierra, who was already halfway. Alex followed close behind me and despite some slipping and sliding on the icy road, we all reached the front porch safely. After Sierra let us in, she headed straight for the kitchen, leaving me and Alex at the door. I walked towards the sofa, letting my eyes wander over the interior and immediately felt at home. To be fair, it kinda was. There were times when Sierra and I hung out here every day and I remembered the countless times I'd shared a cup of tea with her on the couch in front of me.

The apartment wasn't really what you'd call big, but it had everything you could possibly need. There were two bedrooms, a bathroom and a fairly spacious kitchen. The living room was rather large compared to most flats and was fully equipped with a fireplace, an enormous sofa that took up almost all of the space available and a wide flat-screen TV. The differently themed corners, numerous shelves packed with books and photo's, carpets, blankets and silly cushions gave the room a cosy look, something Sierra was justly proud of. 

I flopped down on the couch and let out a yawn. Normally I wasn't so tired this early in the evening but it'd been weeks since I got a good night sleep, (well, except for just now in the car, but that didn't really count) and I figured that was the reason. 
Suddenly, I heard a weird scratchy sound from behind the sofa, disrupting my thoughts. Leaning over to see what it was, a cat appeared out of nowhere, jumping on the armrest next to me. 

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