The Shadow

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Villian! Aizawa x reader
tw// cursing, blood, guns

     It was early in the morning, 5 am to be exact, you decided to start your patrol early because of a certain black haired male. You knew him as Shouta Aizawa but his villian name is Shadow, although he never puts anyone in danger only stealing and selling prized possessions from museums and other villians, sometimes even hero's. You sighed as you crouched over the city no sign of activity anywhere so you just sat and waited. About twenty minutes passed when you heard a scream in the distance, in an instant you jumped off the tower and headed to the scene, thankfully your quirk allowed you to take any impact and store it in your bones. Running to the screaming a glimpse of red caught your eye, 'Shit.' you thought to yourself. Stopping in front of the alleyway you saw the scene infront of you, a man was laying on the concrete with what looked to be a shot wound you checked to see if he was okay.

     "Please help me," he screamed through sobs, a hint of panick in his voice. You placed a hand on his wound and carefully sat him on the wall. "Please they ran off with my daughter, leave me here and go get her!"

     "Which direction?" You quickly asked, taping up his wound fastly. When he pointed deeper into the alley you made sure he would call an ambulance before rushing to find them, there was no time to waste. As you ran you heard a little girl crying, you turned your head to see two men and a small child in the arms of one crying for her father. You ran to the man who wasn't holding the little girl and pushed him to the ground making sure he wouldn't be able to get up any time soon. The other man cursed and started running away, you knew he wouldn't get far before someone saw him let alone hear the cries of the child. He was in a dead end when you found him, a gunshot was heard you were only quick enough to let it graze your side, even though you could take any physical impact you weren't immune to bullets. You growled and looked at the man with anger in your eyes before making your way towards him you stopped with eyes widened. The man laughed as he held the gun to the little girl's head. "Listen there's no reason to put the child in danger." You tried to reason.

     "Why so I can give her back and go to jail? No thank you." He looked at you with a glare. You just thought, 'Man he's stupid.'

     "You do realize if you didn't do this in the first place you wouldn't go to jail."

     "I had no choice," you waited for him to go on, "our boss wants this kid and if we don't deliver her to him we'll be dead!" you were about to question him again before the gun was pulled out of his hand, by a bandage and you knew exactly who it belonged to, 'Damn it Aizawa.'  You thought before punching the man causing him to release the girl and fall. You made sure he wouldn't get up again before comforting the girl, picking her up and walking to get her out of there.

     "Is she okay?" Aizawa said, you stopped but didn't face him.

     "She's been through a lot in the span of 15 minutes I'll make sure she's taken care of." You tried to make yourself sound cold towards him. When he came to your line of sight you sighed, and started walking to where her dad was left. "If you want to be helpful use your scarf and tie these guys up for me, there's another one down the alley."

     "As you wish, y/n." He kept it short not wanting to piss you off more than you visibly were. Honestly he couldn't blame you, he was the one to leave after all. You walked down the alleyway towards her father and the paramedics. You let her down, and she ran to her father, you walked over to the police and told two of them where to find the knocked out men. After telling the police what happened you walked over to the father and daughter.

     "Thank you so much hero, I don't know what I would've done if my little girl was taken from me."

     "I'm just doing my job, make sure you're more careful on the streets, people are getting crazier these days." You thought that might've been the wrong thing to say as the girl looked worried. "But there's no reason to worry a hero will always be around to protect you." You smiled patting the little girls head as she smiled in awe of the hero standing in front of her.

     "Thank you!" She yelled and you nodded. The medics took them to the hospital to make sure her father wasn't hurt too badly. You declined their offer to taking you as well, thankfully you got away with saying you could take care of yourself. The police got the criminals in the car and you winced when you saw the mans face thinking you might've punched him too hard. When everyone was gone you turned around to see the raven haired man leaning against the wall.

     "Why did you help?" You asked as you walked closer to him.

     "I figured you would need some assistance after all you did get shot."

     "I'm fine, thank you." He gave you a concering look and you cursed yourself for ever getting attached to this man.

     "Come on." He said and you followed knowing he was going to take care of you, you only agreed to go with him as it was your only way to ask him why he left. You got to his apartment and knew the drill. getting only partly undressed so he could patch up the wound. It was silent not one of you making a sound.

     "Why did you leave?" You broke the silence and he stopped for a second before continuing to clean the blood that was stained to your side.

     "I honestly don't know," you were about to speak out in anger before he kept on talking, "as a villian who does petty crimes for his own gain, I didn't want to put you through rumors and questions from the press if they ever saw us together." He finished and you knew that's not why he actually left but you decided to not question him about it, 'He'll tell me eventually.' you thought to yourself. Once he finished bandaging the wound you got dressed again, as a full time hero there's not much time for rest. As you headed for the door he grab your hand and turned you around. You were about to ask him what he was doing until you felt his lips on yours. You let yourself enjoy the moment for now. He pulled away and let go of your hand. "If you need anything you know where to find me." He said, you left the apartment and cursed yourself for ever letting him in, who knew this man would be so complicated.

Aha this is my first time writing a x reader fic and I hope I did okay. I'll try posting regularly with school coming up, if you have requests I'll be more than happy to write them. I'm going to try to keep the fanfics gender neutral, but if I decide to be specific I'll put it in the header.
Happy new years and stay safe!!<3

Aizawa x Male readerWhere stories live. Discover now